Chronology Timeline By Faisal 7X

  • Pluto Be Gone

    Pluto Be Gone
    Pluto was scientifically proven not a planet in 2006. This means there are only eight planets left in our solar system. The proof that it is not a planet is that every planet has to follow these three rules to be considered a planet: It needs to have an orbit around the Sun, It needs to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape and it needs to be able to clear a path for it to orbit. Sadly, Pluto didn't cut the last rule.
  • iPhone Released!

    iPhone Released!
    The iPhone is an Apple product in 2007. It was the first touch screen phone that Apple has ever made. It has been innovated now and there now 12 more phones that they have made.
  • Obama As First Black President

    Obama As First Black President
    Obama was the first black president in the United States. He is from Honolulu, Hawaii. He was a great president and thanks to him we have one terrorist group off the checklist. He was so good that he was elected twice; the second was in 2012.
  • The Death Of Musical Legend

    The Death Of Musical Legend
    Michael Jackson was a black singer and he was a great one. He died in 2009 from overdosing his prescribed medicine called Cholroform. This medicine is a drug that helps people sleep. He overdosed it and his body stopped.
  • Syrian Civil War

    Syrian Civil War
    This is a major war which began on 15 March 2011 but is still going on up to this day. There have been Russian and U.S soldiers trying to bring peace but it keeps only leading to more war. The war started with a terrorist group called 'Al - Qaeda' and then when their troops were finishing another terrorist group came in called the 'I.S.I.S' or is also called 'I.S.I.L'.
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Osama Bin Laden Dead
    Osama Bin laden was killed in Pakistan on May 2011. He was the leader of an Islamist group called the 'Al-Qaeda'. This was a major terrorist group and they were the reason for the 9/11 incident. He was found in Pakistan and he was killed on the first sight of him. He was in hiding for 10 years but Obama said that we have to find him. So today, he is dead because of Obama's actions.
  • MH370 Incident

    MH370 Incident
    This is devastating event to talk about. The incident of the Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing airplane. The airplane was going to China but the plane did a wrong turn and went towards the Indian Ocean. Sadly the plane crashed in the ocean and there were no survivors. There are many theories but they can;t prove anything without the black box of the plane.
  • The Nepal Earthquake

     The Nepal Earthquake
    The Nepali Earthquake was a major catastrophe and a major impact on Nepal. It was so bad that people had to live on Mt. Everest, but yet Mt. Everest shook and got shorter. It had a magnitude of 8.1M which is quite big. So my conclusion, that 22,000 people were injured in this brutal earthquake.
  • Muhammad Ali's Death

    Muhammad Ali's Death
    Muhammad Ali was a professional African - American boxer. He was the boxer to win the heavyweight championship. He was one of the best and youngest professional boxers in the 20th century.
  • Donald Trump For President

    Donald Trump For President
    Donald Trump is an unsuccessful businessman until he decided to run for the president of the United States. He was running against Hilary Clinton for presidency. In the end, Trump won against Hilary 290 electoral votes to 232 electoral votes. Next year, Trump will live in the White House and will be the president.