Chronology order

  • 1837

    Candian rebellion and caroline incident
  • 1839

    Arrostook War breaks out over maine boundary
  • 1840

    Antislavery liberty party organized
  • 1841

    Harrison dies after four weeks in office and tyler assumes presidenancy
  • 1842

    Webster -Ashbuton treaty
  • 1844

    Polk defeats clay in manifest destiny election
  • 1845

    The United States annexes Texas
  • 1845

    Walker Tariff/Independent treasury restored to the U.S. settles Oregon dispute with Britain. Mexico and the U.S> clash over Texas boundary. Fremont conquers California.Wilmt Proviso passes for the House of representives
  • Period: to

    Mexican war

    Disputes over polk wanting California
  • 1847

    Battle of Buena Vista.
  • 1848

    Treat of Guadalupe Hidalgo