End of the Civil Wars
Arabs settled (pg. 81) -
Three years before the murder
Santiago Nasar's father dies (pg. 7) -
6 months before the muder
Bayardo San Roman turned up in town for the first time (pg. 25) -
End of August
Mother wrote to narrator that Bayardo San Roman has arrived in town (pg. 26) -
End of September: 14:00
Bayardo sees Angela and her mother crossing the square. Bayardo asks who “the young one was” (pg. 28) -
National Holiday
Bayardo and Angela saw each other for the first time at a charity bazaar where Angela was in charge of singing out the raffle numbers. (pg. 29) -
Vicario brothers return from trying to return Bayardo’s gift to Angela. (pg. 30) -
October: 11 A.M.
Bayardo’s family (four of them) arrived in a Model T Ford. (pg. 33) -
Narrator’s mother gave Bayardo final blessing in a letter. (pg. 27) -
December: 2 months before the wedding
Bayardo buys Xius’ house. Angela's mother doesn’t let Angela visit the house alone with Bayardo. (pg. 37) -
January: last week
Santiago Nasar dreamed he was alone in a tinfoil aeroplane flying through the almond trees without hitting anything. He turned 21. (pg. 3-4, 7) -
February: day of the wedding
Bayardo San Roman two hours late to pick up Angela Vicario. (pg. 41) -
12 Midday
Newlyweds make their rounds in the yard. (pg. 42) -
The formal activities conclude and the guests of honor departed. (pg. 44) -
Angela Vicario sent for her suitcases from home containing her personal items and clothes. (pg. 45) -
Pura Vicario told the narrator’s mother that she had gone to sleep at this hour. (pg. 45) -
Clothilde opens up her milk shop. (pg. 53) -
After 4:00
Clotilde Armenta sent her last message of warning to Victoria Guzman, in response to seeing Placida Linero’s kitchen lights turn on -
The Vicario brothers entered Clotilde Armenta’s shop with their knives ready (pg. 53) -
Before 6:00
The news of Santiago’s upcoming murder hd spread across the town (pg. 58) -
Street lights were still on (pg. 14)
Flora Miguel says that “at six o’clock in the morning everybody knew it [that Santiago would die]” (pg. 112)
Back door had been open since 6 (pg. 120) -
Vicario brothers may have thought the prison was humane, asked for lots of water, soap, rags => tried to get rid of smell (pg. 79) -
12 Noon
Placida Linero ordered for her dogs to be killed (pg. 74) -
Santiago Nasar wakes up to wait for the Bishop’s arrival (pg. 3 & 68) -
February: Monday
Angela had gotten married and returned to her parent’s house because her husband discovered that she was not a virgin. (pg. 21) -
Santiago Nasar singing and drinking with the Vicario brothers at Maria Alejandrina Cervantes’ house. (pg. 45, 49) -
Shortly before 3:00
The Vicario twins returned home to find their sister beaten and bruised. (pg. 47) -
Tragedy spreading through town. (pg. 23)
Don Rogelio de la Flor finally went to bed after not closing all night, his wife Clotilde was already awake in anticipation of the Bishop’s visit. (pg. 53) -
Faustino Santos saw the twins enter the meat market and sharpen their knives, still in their wedding suits. (pg. 51) -
A little before 4:00
Cristo Bedoya, Santiago and narrator were carousing. (pg. 18)
Colonel Lazaro Aponte woke up and was informed of the Vicario twins’ plan by Officer Leandro Pornoy. (pg. 55)
Santiago Nasar, the Narrator and Luis Enrique went to sing to the newlyweds. (pg. 66) -
Santiago Nasar enters his house and does not turn the lights on, therefore the Vicario brothers did not know he was home (pg. 64) -
almost 5:00 Colonel Lazaro Aponte goes to Clotilde’s and confiscates the twins’ knives (pg. 57)
after 5:00 a woman passed by to ask for milk and also revealed their motives and where they were hiding (pg. 12-13) -
Santiago Nasar ran out of the house (pg. 4)
The twins Pedro and Pablo Vicario wake up next to the open milk shop after waiting for three hours to kill Santiago (pg. 15)
Girls from the nuns’ school crossed the square (pg. 16) -
Cristo gives Nasar the final costs of the wedding (pg. 43) -
Santiago and Cristo head toward the square before going to narrator’s and his sister’s house (pg. 19) -
Santiago goes to Flora Miguel’s house (pg. 112) -
Cristo goes to Santiago’s house to warn him (is certain that it was sunny) (pg. 104-106) -
Cristo is Santiago’s bedroom, picks up his gun (pg. 106) -
Placida Linero wakes up (ritual, always does) (pg. 105)
Five minutes before killing: Placida Linero finds out her son is about to be killed (pg. 116) -
Santiago Nasar was “carved up like a pig” (pg. 4)
Cristo leaves Nasar house around 7, talks to Clothilde, Mayor, held up for 7 minutes before hearing shouts from the courtyard (pg. 108-110) -
Pedro was suffering from groin pain, urine shut off, certainty he wouldn’t sleep (pg. 79-80)
Fifteen minutes later: Pablo has bad diarrhea => causes Mayor to take them to his house (pg. 80) -
Performing the autopsy
Pablo may have been poisoned (pg. 80) -
Pura says goodbye to the twins (pg. 82) -
Narrator went to Maria Alejandrina Cervantes (pg. 77) -
Following Saturday
First time people thought of Bayardo, Mayor went to his house with a patrol, once recovered he through them out of the house (pg. 84-84) -
12 Days After the Murder
Investigating magistrate comes to town (pg. 98) -
3 Years Later
Pedro reenlisted in the armed forces (pg. 83)
Pablo marries Prudencia Cotes (pg. 63) -
14 Years Later
Narrator and Mercedes Barcha get married (pg. 43) -
20 Years Later
Narrator looks for the brief (pg. 98) -
23 Years Later
Narrator tries to talk to Bayardo, was received with certain aggressiveness, refused to give any information (pg. 87)
Narrator visits Angela by chance => recounts her story about Bayardo (pg. 88-89) -
27 years later
Narrator writes chronicle, talks to people. (pg. 3)