Chris mccandless

Christopher Johnson McCandless

  • Christopher Johnson McCandless is born.

    Christopher Johnson McCandless was born in El Segundo, California.
  • Chris Moves to New House.

    Chris moved with his family to Annandale, Virginia, nearby to father's work in Washington, D.C.
  • The Truth

    Chris drove to El Segundo, California, and talked to many of his old neighbors. Chris was able to piece together the facts of his father's previous marriage and the divorce that he "had". Chris was otherwise unaware that his father was secretly continuing his relationship with is first wife, that their relationship was never really stopped.
  • Graduates from Emory University

    Graduates from Emory University
    Chris graduates from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. After graduation, Chris then tells his parents that he is going to spend the summer traveling alone.
  • The Journey Begins

    Chris took his old Datsun and drove directly West. He had no choice but to abandon his Datsun in Arizona after a flash flood soaked the engine and it would no longer start for Chris, attaching a note to the car saying if someone could get the car out they could have it. Along with his car Chris also left most of his belongings behind.
  • Period: to


    July - August 1990, Chris hitchhikes to California's Lake Tahoe, then hikes into the Sierra Nevada mountain range. He also travels to the Cascade mountains, across the lava beds of the Columbia River basin, and across the Idaho panhandle. During his traveling, he ran into Jan Burres and her boyfriend, Bob, who discovered Chris on the side of the road and befriend him. In Cut Bank, Montana, Chris meets Wayne Westerberg. (please note that I don't have the exact date for this timespan)
  • Nevada

    After sending his family his last college transcript and a brief note to his parent on how they will never hear from him again, Chris leaves and arrives at Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Nevada.
  • Flash Flood

    Flash Flood
    After parking his car and a flash flood comes, Chris abandons his car, loads his belongings into his backpack, and sets out on foot for his journey.
  • Alexander Supertramp

    Chris started going by the name of "Alex Supertramp". Chris also began keeping a journal, documenting his travels and experiences.
  • Ticket

    Christopher receives a ticket for hitchhiking in Willow Creek, California.
  • Jan and Bob Burres

    In Northern California, Alex hitched a ride from Jan Burres who lived just like chris was except that she had a car, she was around the age of Alex's mother, and took an instant liking towards him. Alex grew very close to Jan in their short time together, and after he left, he sent her postcards as often as possible.
  • Wayne Westerberg

    Wayne Westerberg
    Alex hitches a ride from Wayne Westerberg, in South Dakota. Wayne offers Alex a job, working at his grain elevator in Carthage. Alex accepted this job because he did not have much money. Wayne ends up becoming Alex's closest friend. Alex stays with Wayne until Wayne gets in trouble with the law, at this point Alex decides to go to mexico.
  • Caught at the border.

    Alex was caught at the border by immigration police and was held in jail overnight. After Alex tells the police his situation, they eventually let him go but they do take away the gun that he had with him and bring him back the the states.

    Chris arrives in Bullhead City, Arizona, where he ends up settling down for a bit and actually gets a job at McDonald's flipping burgers. He opens up a savings account and was even going by his real name, Chris McCandless.