
By Eli F
  • 5000 BCE

    God Creates the Earth, Adam and Eve

    God Creates the Earth, Adam and Eve
    Though the date is extremely difficult to pinpoint, most sources believe that the creation of Adam and Eve and the Earth was set around 6,000-7,000 years ago. As this is the very first event described in the Bible.
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  • 2100 BCE

    Calling of Abraham

    Calling of Abraham
    God blesses Abraham and tells him to go to the Promised Land, and he will make a great nation. Abraham is considered the first Hebrew patriarch and "founding figure" of Judaism. Since Christianity traces its roots from Judaism, this could also be considered the beginning of the Christian faith.
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  • 1400 BCE

    God Gives Moses the Ten Commandments

    God Gives Moses the Ten Commandments
    The Ten Commandments were a list of statutes carved into two stone tablets. These statutes form the basis of how God instructs Christians to live and describes what would be considered a sin. They can also be seen in the Jewish faith. The exact date that Moses was given them isn't agreed upon, but most place the carving of the Ten Commandments about 3,500 years ago.
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  • 4 BCE

    Birth of Jesus

    Birth of Jesus
    Jesus Christ, arguably the most important figure in the history of Christianity, is born in Bethlehem. His teachings, stemming from the Jewish faith, would shape Christianity.
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  • 30

    Jesus is Crucified Outside Jerusalem

    Jesus is Crucified Outside Jerusalem
    In the Christian faith, Jesus sacrificed himself to pay for our sins so that we could enter into heaven.
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  • 30

    Jesus and The Last Supper

    Jesus and The Last Supper
    Jesus has a final meal with his disciples, where he breaks bread and gives wine to them. He tells them that the bread is his body and the wine is his blood, given to them for the remission of sins. This created the Christian rite of Holy Communion, where those confirmed by the church receive the same unleavened bread and wine for the remission of sins.
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  • 313

    Emperor Constantine Legalizes Christianity in Rome

    Emperor Constantine Legalizes Christianity in Rome
    For decades, since the reign of Nero, Christians had been relentlessly persecuted in Rome. Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity during his reign, legalizing the religion and affectively spreading the Christian faith throughout the entire Roman Empire.
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  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    Due to several religious disagreements between the Catholic Church of the West and the Eastern Catholic Church, such as the selection of two different popes, the two separated. This split is still existent today, as there are several differences between how Catholic churches and Orthodox churches worship, and there are even different branches of both sides.
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  • 1517

    The Protestant Reformation Begins

    The Protestant Reformation Begins
    Martin Luther effectively begins the Protestant Reformation as the Church of England begins to break off from the authority of the Catholic Church and the Pope after publishing his 95 Theses.
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  • Christian School in Vermont Objects to Playing Girls Basketball Against a Transgender Opponent, is Barred from State Competitions

    Christian School in Vermont Objects to Playing Girls Basketball Against a Transgender Opponent, is Barred from State Competitions
    Mid Vermont Christian School forfeited a girls basketball game, reasoning that a transgender player on the opposing team jeopardized fairness and safety. They were deemed ineligible to compete in future tournaments by the school board, and they filed a lawsuit, claiming the board's actions were religious discrimination. Article