Christianity and The Dark Ages

  • 312

    Battle of Milivian Bridge

    War of Constintine.
  • 312

    Converting from Christianity

    Converting from Christianity
    Constantine moved the Roman capital to Byzantine to spread Christianity
  • 324

    Roman Empire is under Constintines rule

    Constantine rules the Roman Empire from 324-337 AD.
  • 325

    Counil of Nicea

    The council contained Christian Bishops and it was set up by Constintine.
  • 337

    Constintine the Great

    Constintine Died
  • 337

    Roman Empire becomes Christian

    Roman Empire becomes Christian
    Christianity becomes the biggest religion in the Roman Empire
  • 370


    Alaric is born into a tribe of Goths, in 370A.D.
  • 410


    Alaric dies in 410 and is bed in a river.
  • 410

    Fall of the Roman Empire

    Caused the dividing of the churches for Christianity
  • 415

    Haijia Sophia

    Haijia Sophia
    means "holy wisdom"
  • 433


    Odoacer is Born into a Germanic tribe, the Scirians, he was also a Germanic cheiftain.
  • 466


    Clovis, leader of the Franks, was born today
  • 511


    Died this day
  • 540

    The Plague

    a disease borne by rats in Egypt, killed art least 5,000 people a day.
  • 540

    Plague (outcome)

    prevented Justinian from spreading christianity, killing many people even Justinian.
  • Oct 2, 672


  • Oct 2, 714

    Charles Martel

    Born in 714 and Died in 741, Charles's father Pepin the II died in 714 AD and Charles Martel had 2 was Pepin the III
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Fought between the Frankish and an invading Islamic army, Franks won.
  • Oct 2, 742


    (742-814) in 771 he became the King of the Franks
  • Alaric and his Barbarian Cheiftains

    In the 5th Century Alaric and his Barbarian Cheiftains overran Rome.
  • Ivan the Boneless

    Ivan the Boneless was a viking, Born some where in the ages between 847-849 and he was the King of England in 871-899
  • Constintine The Great

    Constintine the Great is Born in 280, Born at Nassius in Moesia.
  • Justinian

    justinian was born.
  • St. Benedict

    St. Benedict was born in Nursia, Italy 480, and died in 547..he was part of the monks
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    Helped by the Frankish Kings
  • Viking Raid

    Viking Raid
    793-840, they had a hit and run strategy.
  • Alfred the Great

    Alfred the Great was born in 847 and died Oct. 26th 899.
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    Helped by the Frankish King