Christianity and the Dark Ages

By 16dem85
  • 300


    first roman emperor to convert to christianity. His goal was to unify christianity
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge outcome

    Battle of Milvian Bridge outcome
    By winning the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine became the ruler of the Western Roman Empire. He defeated Maxentius. The story is that on the evening before the battle, he saw a cross burning in the sky, and written underneath it were the words, "In hoc signe vinces" or "In this sign you will conquer." Immediately, he had crosses put on the shields of all his soldiers, and, after winning the battle, converted to Christianity, ultimately making Rome a Christian Empire as opposed to a Pag
  • 325

    The Council of Nicea outcome

    The Council of Nicea outcome
    they were a group that declared what or who jesus and God which was called the nicean creed that most of chistian idealology is based on
  • Period: 370 to 412


  • 435


  • Period: 466 to 511


  • 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

    Fall of the Roman Empire
    As the western roman empire fell the eastern side was growing. It was important because it brought an end to new sources of wealth.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia

    Hagia Sophia
    used as an eastern orthodox cathedral then used for a roman catholic cathedral
  • 543

    St. Benedict

    St. Benedict
    Death of St. Benedict
  • Oct 1, 673


  • Oct 1, 732

    Battle of Tours outcome

    Battle of Tours outcome
    it was a turning point in the battle between Islam and Christendom and "saved" Europe in the early part 8th century when Islam was on the move.
  • Oct 1, 1347

    The Plague Outcome

    The Plague Outcome
    The Plague or the Black Death, was significsnt because it prevented Justinian from being able to reunite rome
  • Justinian

  • Viking Raids

    Viking Raids
    the first viking raid in northern europe
  • Charlemagne and Holy Roman Empire outcome

    Charlemagne and Holy Roman Empire outcome
    the combination of European territories under the rule of the Frankish or German king who had the title of Roman emperor, beginning with the coronation of Charlemagne in 800 and The last emperor, Francis II, gave up his crown in 1806
  • Period: to Oct 22, 741

    Charles Martel "the Hammer"