
Christianity Timeline

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    Birth of Jesus

    Birth of Jesus
    December 25th is the day we celebrate Jesus's birth, for we do not know the exact date. It was said that an angel came to shepherds tending their sheep. The angel told them to follow a bright star to find the newly born Jesus and they gave him expensive gifts.
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    When the Bible was written

    When the Bible was written
    The bible was written between 12 B.C. -16 century B.C. It was written by Jesus's disciples. There were twelve disciples chosen and they were instructed to write down the biblical stories in their own point of views.
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    Ressurection of Jesus

    Ressurection of Jesus
    After the 3rd day of being deceased, Jesus rose from the dead, opened his stone tomb, and contacted his disciples.
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    Worsening persecutions of christians

    Worsening persecutions of christians
    The systematic persectution of Christians begun during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.
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    Legalized Christianitity

    Legalized Christianitity
    Constantine legalized Christianity in Rome for political reasons.
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    Council of Nicea

    Council of Nicea
    Constantine officially called the Council to meet and discuss which version of Christianity they should follow. It was mainly the Arian believers against the Orthodox believers. In the end, the Orthodox people prevailed, so that is what Christians worship today.
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    Christianity in India

    Christianity in India
    In 52 AD, Christianity was introduced to the people of India by Thomas, the disciple.He spread the word of the gospel to Kerala's Jewish settlements. Christianity was rooted in India by the 6th century AD and remained there along with Hinduism.
  • Aug 17, 1095

    Start of Crusades

    Start of Crusades
    Pope Urban II organized the first battle of the Crusades by persuading the Christian people to fight. He told them that they were protecting the Church and they would fight on holy land, where all of their sins could be erased. He also said they could become heros if they fought. This gathered thousands and thousands of Christian men to fight.
  • May 3, 1549

    Christianity in Japan

    Christianity in Japan
    Christianity was first introduced in 1549 in Japan. Roman Catholic Missionaries were the first to spread the word of Christianity to the Japanese.
  • Christianity is the only legal religion

    Christianity is the only legal religion
    Theodosius made Christianity the only legal religion to practice in Rome.