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Christian schisms

  • 431

    The Nestorian schism

    The Nestorian schism
    Break between the Nestorians (followers of the patriarch Nestorius) and the Orthodox-Catholic majority following the Council of Ephesus
  • 451

    The "Monophysite" schism

    The "Monophysite" schism
    Break between the so-called "Monophysite" (Non-Chalcedonian) churches and the Orthodox-Catholic majority following the Council of Chalcedon
  • 1051

    The East-West schism

    The East-West schism
    Break between the churches of the Byzantine Empire, affiliated with the Patriarch of Constantinople, and the Western European church under the authority of the Roman Pope. The Eastern churches came to be known as the Orthodox Churches, while the Western church came to be known as the Roman Catholic Church. 1051 was the year in which the Patriarch and Pope excommunicated each other, but in reality the schism was in development for several centuries before that date.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    The Ninety-Five Theses

    The Ninety-Five Theses
    The publication of Ninety-Five Theses (points for theological debate) by the Augustinian friar Martin Luther marks the beginning of the Protestant Reformation and leads to the formation of the first Protestant congregations in Germany
  • Nov 3, 1534

    The Act of Supremacy

    The Act of Supremacy
    Henry VIII of England declares himself Supreme Head of the Church of England, separating the English church from Papal authority and paving the way for the English Reformation