Christchurch History

  • Period: 1500 to

    North Island Māori arrived in Canterbury

  • Abel Tasman discovered the North Island (‘Statenland’)

  • Period: to

    Captain Cook mapped the whole of Aotearoa in series of 3 voyages, 1769-1777

    On 16 February 1770 Captain James Cook in his ship the Endeavour first sighted the Canterbury peninsula. He thought it was an island, and named it Banks Island after the ship’s botanist, Joseph Banks.
  • Captain Cook contact on Banks Peninsula

  • First whaling ship in NZ

  • Sailors with Capt. Bligh Landed on banks Peninsula

  • Period: to

    The local Māori population fell

    The reasons included fighting between different groups of Ngāi Tahu, raids by the Ngāti Toa chief Te Rauparaha from 1830 to 1832, and the impact of European diseases, especially measles and influenza, from which hundreds of Māori died.
  • Flax Trade Capt. Wiseman in port Cooper

  • Te Ruaparapara devastated Ngai Tahu

  • New Zealand Company founded with aim to create English colonies in NZ

  • Settlement at Akaroa established before the French

  • Treaty of Waitangi signed

  • dean est settlement in Riccarton

  • the Canterbury Association was formed

  • Kemps Deed N.T. Sold Canterbury for £2,000

  • First 4 ships arrived to P. Cooper

  • Ballantynes, the first store in Christchurch to be lit be electricity

  • Canterbury celebrated its jubilee (50 years)