First Jesus appearance
He was represented on the 70 aC, in the form of iconography on a sarchophagy. -
Period: 100 to
Period: 150 to 450
Early Christian Art
Period: 450 to Oct 18, 1450
Bizantine Art
Period: 450 to Oct 18, 1200
Medieval Christian Art
Oct 18, 1000
Middle Ages Christian art
In those ages, the paintures were only representations of the Bible scenes, it usually was Jesus alone, in the position of Pantocrator. -
Period: Oct 18, 1000 to Oct 18, 1150
Romanesque Period
Period: Oct 18, 1150 to Oct 18, 1375
Oct 18, 1410
The themes still usually were representations of the Bible scenes, but there were also beautiful landscapes, other people related with Christ, and some other elements that don't really mean much to the world of religion. Artists like Miguel Ángel, Caravaggio, Leonardo... -
Period: to
Christian Art in the modern Era
Modern Ages
They are representations of christian scenes, but with modern elements, ironies, allegories and landscapes. Famous aritsts like Dalí, Eric Grill, Jacob Epstein...