Cambodia wins its independence from France. Under King Sihanouk, it becomes the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sihanouk abdicates to pursue a political career. His father becomes king and Sihanouk becomes prime minister.
King Norodom Suramarit died, Sihanouk became head of state
Cambodia severed ties with South Vietnam
Sihanouk broke off relations with United States, allowed North Vietnamese guerillas to set up bases
US B-52's drop 3,000 ton bombs at Cambodian boundary
Cambodia recognizes German DR
Cambodia military coup under General Lon Nol, Prince Sihanuk flees
US and South Vietnamese forces launch an incursion into Cambodia, expanding the Vietnam War
US troops invade Cambodia
Cambodia launches bloody incursions into Vietnam
Phnom Penh falls to the Vietnamese, who install a new regime. Civil war begins, pitting the Khmer Rouge, nationalists and royalists against each other.
Hun Sen, a former Khinted as prime minister of Cambodia's Vietnam-installed government.
Vietnam says it has withdrawn from Cambodia.
A peace treaty is signed to end the conflict. Cambodia is placed under UN supervision until elections are held. UN peacekeepers begin operations almost five months later
After decades of unrest, the first democratic elections are held, sponsored by the UN.
Prince Norodom Ranariddh of the royalist Funcinpec party becomes first prime minister, and Hun Sen of the Cambodian People's Party is named second prime minister.
The Khmer Rouge is outlawed
Former Khmer Rouge foreign minister Ieng Sary defects to the Cambodian government, bringing thousands of followers with him.
Hun Sen ousts Norodom Ranariddh from power after violent clashes between the two factions.
Pol Pot dies while under house arrest by Khmer Rouge rebels who had turned against him.
Khmer Rouge ideologue Nuon Chea, Pol Pot's deputy, defects to the government along with the regime's ex-head of state Khieu Samphan.
Cambodian authorities arrest Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, for his role as head of the Khmer Rouge S-21 interrogation centre
After tough negotiations, the United Nations and Cambodia agree to an international tribunal for former Khmer Rouge leaders.
Ta Mok, known as "The Butcher", dies before appearing in front of the tribunal