The trip began
I head out on my great trip, first stop is Texas. -
The Detrital wash
This is where I stayed one night and ended up losing my car this was because of a flash flood. I then left everything behind I couldn’t carry. -
I went to california
While I tramped from Arizona to California i began to go by the name Alexander Supertramp. I also started working for a crazy man eventually I left that job and began tramping with a nice lady, Jan Burres. -
I went north
I went north to try and find work and make my way towards Alaska and to just explore this part of the world. On this trip up north I hitched a ride with my now good friend Wayne, he got me a job and a place to stay working at a grain elevator in South Dakota. -
I kayaked to Mexico
A little while after working with Wayne he was arrested for essentially selling free cable. After this I thought maybe I should head back down south, maybe see Mexico. I began tramping down south when I came upon a store selling a kayak, instantly I thought I should kayak to the gulf of California which was my ultimate goal in the first place. Well I did it I kayaked to Mexico but it didn’t end up being all that good. -
Back to America
Well I got lost in Mexico I never found the gulf and ended up abandoning my kayak. Luckily Mexican people are extremely nice and helpful I eventually found my way back to the border. I tried getting back in but the border patrol caught me. It ended up all fine, I just had to give up my handgun. -
Headed back to Arizona
After my crazy Mexico trip I needed a break and to make some money before I went more north to finally get to Alaska. I settled down in bullhead got a trailer and a job at McDonald’s. After staying some months there I needed to get back to my journey. I packed up and left, but first I needed to see some old friends again. -
Slab city
I met up with Jan back at an old naval air base used by vagabonds and they call it the slabs. I helped her boyfriend bob sell books out of their trailer. Eventually I made my decision it was time for Alaska but I still needed to go back to South Dakota. Back to Carthage to see Wayne. -
The road to Carthage
On my way to Carthage I made a stop in Salton City California to train for high altitude in Alaska and overall ready myself for the trip. While I was camping in the dessert I meet a good friend Ron Franz, he is a really nice man he taught about leather working and I gave him so life advice. -
I returned to Carthage and resumed work for Wayne. He was released from prison and it was still to cold in Alaska. I worked and earned some money to purchase supplies needed for Alaska. Finally when it was starting to warm up I knew it was time to make the journey to Alaska. -
Arriving in Alaska
After purchasing my supplies I made my way to Fairbanks. I hitched from there to the end of the stampede trail from there I would go into the wild. -
Found where to stay
While I was hiking through Alaskan terrain I found an old bus. Ever since I’ve held up in here, every day I spend my day hunting. Life is getting really good out here. I don’t know when I’m gonna leave, but I’ve put some thought into it and I’m gonna live in Carthage with Wayne. -
Last days in Alaska
I’ve become very sick and I think I may not be long for this world. I think Alaska might be the last place I see.