Chloe Beatrice literacy timeline

  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    believed a childs early education needs to be a natural process
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    believed children may be able to teach themselves to read, but that it is also crucial for parents and teachers to help guide them through this learning experience
  • Arnold Gesell

    advocating maturation as most important factor for reading
  • Morphett and Washburne

    held a study that showed children have a mental age of 6 and a half years showed better achievement on reading tests
  • Maria Montessori

    -learning the sounds of letters
    -manipulatives for assistance
    -sight words being taught using real pictures and objects
  • Dewey progressive education

    wanted children to develop socially, physically, emotionally, and intellectually, with little formal reading and writing instruction
  • Emergent literacy

    literacy activities being embedded within content areas

    Direct Instruction System for Teaching Arithmetic and Reading. Used behavioral methods.
  • Piaget

    different periods that involves different levels of thinking and language
  • Whole language instruction

    test scores weren't indicating improved literacy skills