

  • 1066

    The medieval Period

    The medieval Period
    William the conqueror introduces England to Feudalism, an economic system in which the king owns the land of his kingdom. William split his kingdom providing him with loyal knights from the different regions of his kingdom, forming the ideals of knighthood.
  • 1135

    Barons Choose sides

    Barons Choose sides
    After King William's passing,not long after power struggles erupted after his son Henry I passed away. The Barons of the kingdom choose between Henry's daughter Matilda and his nephew Stephen in a fairly violent struggle.
  • 1154

    End of Anarchy and new king

    End of Anarchy and new king
    Finally a side was stood on, Matilda's son Henry II was announced king, he molded a new judicial system, incorporated new royal courts, and established new juries.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta signed

    Magna Carta signed
    Richard the Lionhearted,Henry II spent his ten-year rule fighting in crusades. His brother John ruled over England while he was away and took the throne after his death. The court went bankrupt and forced King John to sign the Magna Carta/Great Charter. The Magna Carta limited royal authority and was an early step to democratic views in the kingdom.
  • 1295

    Model Parliament

    Model Parliament
    John's son, Henry III, set up an advisory council of barons called parliament and they met up regularly. Under Henry III's successor, Edward I, the Model Parliament of 1295 was established. It was established to include commoners in the council, or parliament.
  • 1337

    War of Hundred Years

    War of Hundred Years
    During the rule of Edward III, a war between France and England had begun. This war raged on and off for over a century. During the war, England suffered a contagious and deadly crisis known as the Black Death. This killed more than a third of the of the people of the kingdom.
  • 1453

    End of the war

    End of the war
    The conflict between France and England had finally ended. England had lost many of its French possessions and was on the verge of yet another conflict. Two families, the House of York and the House of Lancaster began another conflict over the throne. This fight was known as the War of Roses due to each house using a rose as its symbol.
  • 1485

    Ending of the medieval period

    The fighting in the War of Roses came to a conclusion when the Lancastarian Henry Tudor killed Yorkist King Richard III and claimed the throne as Henry VII. This event is what marks the end of the Medieval Period in England.