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Chinese Investions

  • 850 BCE


    Chinese alchemists accidentally exploded themselves when they were trying to find a way to live forever.
  • 235 BCE

    Magnetic Compass

    Magnetic Compass
    The Chinese invented the first compass in the 3rd century. The first parts of a compass was loadstone, a magnetic mineral
  • 9 BCE

    Game cards and Paper money

    Game cards and Paper money
    Game cards were developed in china in about the 9th century. Printers used wood block printing on thick pieces of paper for cards. Famous artist drew the designs that appeared on the back of the cards.
  • 8 BCE


    By the 8th century, there was an entire wood block printing company in China.
  • 1 CE

    Disease prevention

    Disease prevention
    Chinese knowledge of medicine and and disease prevention dates to ancient times. Before the 1st century CE, the Chinese developed a way to fight away infectious disease, the Chinese burned a chemical that gave off a poisonous smoke.
  • 10


    By the 10th century, the Chinese were making porcelain of great beauty. Crafts people learned how to paint on porcelain.
  • 18


    Basic tea cultivation and processing has not changed much since early times. Tea farms grow small tea trees or shrubs on high ground- usually above 4,000 feet.
  • 150


    The Chinese were the only people in the world that knew the secret to making paper.
  • 1300

    Rocket Technology

    Rocket Technology
    Rocket technology was developed in china during gt the song dynasty. Rockets were powered by powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. At first, rockets were only used in fireworks. Later, the Chinese used them as weapons.