Chinese Inventions

  • 2732 BCE


    Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea when leaves from a wild tree blew into his pot of boiling water. He was immediately interested in the pleasant scent of the resulting brew and drank some. (
  • 1298 BCE

    Movable Type

    Movable Type
    In 1298, the movable type printer was re-invented by the Wang Zen, during Yuan dynasty. ( via @anchistorylists)
  • 725 BCE


    Mechanical Clock. One of the greatest inventions of the medieval world was the mechanical clock, developed in China. Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk and mathematician, made the first model of a mechanical clock in C.E. 725.(
  • 550 BCE

    The kite

    The kite
    The kite first was seen in ancient China in 550 AC. The Chinese used the kite to testing wind, measuring distance, and for the mililtary.
  • 300 BCE


    Chinese legend says, Lady Hsi-Ling-Shih she is credited with the introduction of silkworm rearing and the invention of the loom. 300 CE (
  • Period: 300 BCE to 1400

    Chinese History

  • 206 BCE


    The magnetic compass was first invented as a device for divination as early as the Chinese Han Dynasty (since about 206 BC) (
  • 200 BCE

    The Drill Seed

    The Drill Seed
    The Chinese invented a multi-tube seed driller machine for larger populations, however, this product with a single tube was first produced in Mesopotamia.
  • 105 BCE

    Paper Making

    Paper Making
    Papermaking is one of the inventions by Chinese. the invention of paper was reported to the Eastern Han Emperor Ho-di by Ts'ai Lun, an official of the Imperial Court.
  • 850


    Gunpowder was accidentally invented by alchemist who were trying to find the secret of eternal life.