Chinese Inventions

  • 1300 BCE

    Rocket technology

    Rocket technology
    Rocket technology was developed in China during the Song dynasty. Rockets were powered by
    a black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. At first, rockets were used only in fireworks. Later, the
    Chinese used them as weapons. They even developed a two-stage rocket for their armies. The first stage propelled the
    rocket through the air. The second stage dropped arrows down on the enemy.
  • 50

    Fine porcelain

    Fine porcelain
    By the 10th century, the Chinese were making porcelain of great beauty. Crafts-people learned how to paint pictures on porcelain. They also made colored glazes to decorate their porcelain.
  • 150

    Paper making

    Paper making
    The Chinese invented the art of papermaking by the second century C.E.
  • 850

    Gun powder

    Gun powder
    The Chinese were trying to to make immortal life but made the opposite and found death. They found gun powder