Chinese inventions

  • 850 BCE


    chinese made the gunpowder
  • 750 BCE

    mechanical clock

     mechanical clock
    it was more accurate than earlier timekeeping device it makes sounds drums at the hour and chime
  • Period: 300 BCE to 1400

    chinese invention

  • 50


    Chinese invention is a type of fine pottery called porcelain.Porcelain is made by combining clay with the minerals quartz and feldspar. The mixture
    is baked in a kiln, or pottery oven, at very high temperatures.
  • 50

    disease prevention

    disease prevention
    Chinese knowledge of medicine and disease prevention dates to ancient times.During the Song dynasty, the Chinese discovered another way to prevent the spread of disease. A Chinese monk
    recommended steaming the clothes of sick people. He believed that the steam would prevent others from becoming
  • 450

    paddle wheel boat

    paddle wheel boat
    Within China, people often traveled by boat on rivers or
    across lakes. An innovation of a vessel called a paddle wheel boat made this type of travel must faster.People walked
    on a treadmill to turn the paddle wheel,
  • 650


    Chinese invented a technique called woodblock
    printing.To print from the block, the printer covered the characters
    with black ink. Then he spread paper over the block and
    smoothed the paper with a brush.
  • 850

    game cards and paper moeny

    game cards and paper moeny
    Game cards were invented in China in about the 9th century. Printers used
    woodblock printing to make the cards from thick paper. Famous artists drew the designs that appeared on the backs
    of the cards. Europeans were introduced to card games by the late 1300s. Today, card games are played throughout
    the world.
  • 1200


    Rocket technology was developed in China during the Song dynasty. Rockets were powered by
    a black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. At first, rockets were used only in fireworks. Later, the
    Chinese used them as weapons.
  • tea

    Chinese have been drinking tea since at least 2700 B.C. For several thousand years, tea—made by letting tea leaves steep in boiling water—was drunk mostly as medicine.