Chinese Inventions

  • 2700 BCE


    For several thousand years, tea-made by letting tea leaves steep in boiling water was drunk mostly as medicine. By the 8th century Tea had become a lot more popular and an everyday beverage.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 1400

    Chinese History

  • 201 BCE

    Magnetic Compass

    Magnetic Compass
    The first compasses were pieces of magnetic minerals called lodestone. Because of earth having north and south poles the magnet connected with the poles.
  • 200 BCE


    Steel is made from iron , but is less brittle than iron and easier to bend into different shapes. Later they learned that blowing air into molten, or melted, cast iron causes a chemical reaction that creates steel.
  • 1 CE


    Porcelain is a type of pottery. Created by clay with the minerals of quarts and feldspar.The mixture is baked kiln, or pottery oven. At high temperatures. Light can pass through it but it is water proof.
  • 300


    The earliest Chinese paper was probably made from hemp and then the bark of the mulberry tree. Later, the Chinese used rags.
  • 790

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    Paper money was printed from wood blocks like the game cards. By 1107, song printers were using multiple blocks of wood to print each bill. A single bill would have many colors . paper Money is the most common form of currency in the world today
  • 801

    Game cards

    Game cards
    Printers used woodblock printing to make cards from thick paper. Famous artist were the ones who drew the pictures on the cards. Europeans first played with these and now people all over the world use it.
  • 850


    Chinese Alchemists accidentally discovered when looking for secret for eternal life.
  • 1200

    Rocket Technology

    Rocket Technology
    Rocket Technology was developed in China during dynasty. Rockets were powered by black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. Chinese used them for weapons. They developed two staged rockets witch blasts it through the air and the second dropped arrows down at enemies.