Chinese History Timeline

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    Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion, led by Hong Xiuquan, was an uprising against the Manchu dynasty of China. Hong said that he had visions that he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ. Source:
  • Wuchang Uprising

    Wuchang Uprising
    The Wuchang Uprising was a revolt that became the gateway to the Xinhai Revolution, which not only ended the Qing Dynasty, but also over two thousand years of China's imperial rule. Souce: Image:
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    Northern Expedition

    The Northern Expedition was a military campaign that lasted from 1926-1928. Its purpose was to bring unity to China under its own power. They ended the reign of the Beiyang government, and China reunified in 1928. Source:
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    Mukden Incident

    The Mukden Incident, also referred to as the Manchurian Incident, was a planned occurance initiated by Japanse military ruse for the Japanese invasion of northeastern China, or Manchuria, in 1931. Source:
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    Long March

    The Long March, was in fact a series of marches, as armies tried to escape to the north and south, starting in October of 1934, as a military escape for soldiers in China to avoid the Chinese Nationalist Party.
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    Second Sino-Japanese War

    The Second Sino-Japanese War was a military fight between the Empire of Japan and the Republic of China. China brought in help from Germany, the United States and the Soviet Union. After the attack on the Pearl Harbor, it led to War World 1. The Second Sino-Japanese War was the largest Asian war in the 20th century. Source:
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    Nanking Massacre

    Also referred to as the Rape of Nanking, the Nanking Massacre was an incident of mass rape and murder perpetrated by Japanese soldiers during the Second Sino-Japanese War . The terror went on for a 6 week period. Source:
  • Founding Date of the Republic of China

    Founding Date of the Republic of China
    After the Chinese Civil War (Taiping Rebellion), and Mao Zedong's Communist power, he procalaimed that October 1, 1949 was the founding date of the people's Republic of China from the top of Tiennamen. Sources:'s_Republic_of_China Image:
  • Chinese Nationalists move Capital to Taiwan

    Seeking a new capital, Chinese nationalists move towards Taiwan. This move began the 30 year "divided" China and mainland China communist, which greatly vexed US democacy. This move also put an end to the fight between Chinese nationalists and the power of communist Mao Zedong. Source:
  • Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet

    This document declares China has full reign over Tibet. This agrrement, formed in 1951, was a mutual descion made by both Chinese govenments and the Tibetan people. The Central Tibetan Administration considers this document invalid, and made under a period of stress, but China has disputed that accusation. Source:
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    Great Leap Forward

    The Great Leap Forward was a campaign led by Mao Zedong, whose purpose was to change China from agrarian to a communist country. This campaign caused the Great Chinese Famine. Source:
  • The May 16 Notification

    The May 16 Notification
    The The May 16 Notification condensed Mao Zedong's ethical reasons for for China's Cultural Revolution. It stated that there were enemy parties within this party and alarmed people that their party was being compromised. Source: Image:
  • People's Republic of China admitted to UN

    The Republic of China joined the UN in 1945, but when, in 1949, Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China, they were refused acceptance into the UN. But in 1971, they were granted in and actually too the Republic of China's place in the UN. Source:
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    Nixon visits China

    President Nixon's trip to China to meet Mao Zedong was a significant step in making relations between China and the US. This was the first time an American president visited the People's Republic of China, which up until then, they had considered the US one of their enemies. Source:
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    Cultural Revolution

    The Cultural Revolution, also referred to as The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a social-political movement, It's primary focus was to bring Communism into power and throw out traditional government from Chinese society, and to force Maoist orthodoxy within the Party. Source:
  • Gang of Four arrested

    Gang of Four arrested
    The Gang of Four was a politcal party which consisted of Mao Zedung's wife Jiang Qing and three of her close allies, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen.The Gang Four contolled the power of of Communist China for the later parts of the Cultural Revolutoin. They were all arrested on October 11, 1976 with many charges of treason. Source: Image:
  • One Child Policy Instituted

    One Child Policy Instituted
    The One Child Policy, also known as the "family planning policy" was instituted in 1979 to relieve population issues within the country, as well as ecomic problems as well. However, this population control was only applicable to a certain percentage of people, excluding many minorities in China. Source: Image:
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    Tiananmen Square protests

    The Tiananmen Square protests were a student led protest against the Chinese government. All they requested was Social equality, "A Communist Party Without Corruption", freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and democracy. But the Chinese leaders would not have any of it and they ordered fire on the peaceful student protesters by Chinese troops. Source:
  • Building of the Three Gorges Dam

    The Three Gorges Dam is a water powered dam in China, and it is the world's largest power station, spanning 2000 miles. It was originally built in 1994 and construction was completed by 2008. It cost around 26 billion dollars to build. It was originally dreamt in 1939 but wasn't fulfilled till 1994. Source:
  • Hong Kong Returned to China

    Hong Kong's land was taken in three separate treaties, and The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory was the treaty that gave part of Hong Kong to England in 1898. After a 99 year reign over Hong Kong. England returned rule over Hong Kong to China in 1997. Source:
  • Macau returned to China

    The land of Macau was taken from China by the Portugese merchants in 1535. In 1949, when the People's Republic of China was instituted, Huang Hua of China appealed to the UN Special Committee on Decolonization to remove Macau from their possesion and return the land to theirs. So a treaty of sovereignty was signed on December 20, 1999. Source:
  • Hainan Island incident

    The Hainan Island incident was caused by a mid-air crash between a US Navy aircraft and a Chinese fighter jet. This crash killed the Chinese pilot and the pilot of the Navy aircraft had to land on the island of Hainan. Chinese officials detained 24 crew members and interrogated them until word was given that they were who they said they were. Source:
  • Founding of People's Republic of China

    Founding of People's Republic of China
    The founding of the people's republic of China explains the history of China from 1949 and on, when victory by in the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong declared the People's Republic of China from Tiananmen. This reform of goverment took over mainland China, where previously China had been ruled by imperial dynasties. Source:'s_Republic_of_China Image:'s_Republic_of_China