1200 BCE
Early Evidence of Writing
The earliest evidence of writing was found on Shang oracle bones. The earliest form of poems were composed. -
1200 BCE
Chou Dynasty
Also during this time the Chou dynasty was established. And at this time so were institutes of feudalism. -
800 BCE
Teachings & Poetry
Lao-tzu founder of Taoism developed teachings of Tao Te Ching. Also the first anthology of Chinese poetry was complied. -
800 BCE
Battle Toward One Another
Nomads from the north captured and raided Hao and the Chou dynasty capital which caused local warlords to battle one another. At this time the Chinese began to cast iron. -
400 BCE
Chuang Tzu & Records of the Historian
The Taoist philosopher wrote the Chuang Tzu. At this time Ssu-ma Ch'ien wrote the Record of the Historian which is about the history of China through Wu Ti's reign. -
400 BCE
Shih Huang Ti Emperor
Shih Huang Ti became emperor of China. At this time the Great wall was begun and the silk routes were opened up for trade during the Han dynasty. -
End of Former Han
The period of the Former Han ends. The period of Later Han begins under Kuang Wun Ti and Buddhism reaches China. -
History of the Former Han Dynasty
Pan Ku wrote the History of the Former Han Dynasty. Also the first Chinese dictionary was written. -
Poetry Wirting
Poetry writing was included in the civil service examination. Also the birth of Wang Wei a painter and poet occured. -
Grand Canal
The Grand Canal was completed & it linked the Yangtze and Yellow rivers together. The civil service system was begun under T'ang emperor.