Chinese History

  • Period: 300 BCE to Dec 31, 1400

    Chinese History

  • 250 BCE

    The Magnetic Compass

    The Magnetic Compass
    The magnetic compass was invented as early as the 3rd century BCE. It was originally a piece of magnetic rock, called lodestone, floating in a bowl. Then, the Chinese replaced it with a steel needle that was rubbed against lodestone.
  • 225 BCE


    Steel is a metal made from iron. It is very useful because although being made from iron, it is less brittle and is harder to break. Originally made with cast iron, the Chinese later found out a way to blow into molten cast iron to make the chemical reaction that would form the steel.
  • 50


    Porcelain is created by combining clay, quartz, and feldspar, then shaping the mixture and baking it in a kiln. This fine pottery was then painted on and sold. It became a very prized item for trade.
  • 150


    Papermaking was a secret kept by the Chinese for over 500 years. Hemp and mulberry bark were probably used in the beginning but was then switched out for rags.
  • 450

    Paddlewheel Boats

    Paddlewheel Boats
    These boats were invented and used to help the Chinese travel across rivers and lakes faster.
  • Jan 1, 650


    Ancient printers carved out symbols from a wooden block, then covered them with ink. They would then place a piece of paper on top of the glyphs and use a roller to push down the paper into the block, so the paper picked up the ink in the right shapes.
  • Jan 1, 740

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    Paper money became the second type of money and were made using printing. Hundreds of years after its invention, printers were using multiple print blocks per bill. They were very colorful and are still the most commonly used type of currency today.
    Everyday Items
  • Jan 1, 750

    Mechanical Clocks

    Mechanical Clocks
    Mechanical clocks worked by using dripping water to turn a wheel. The wheel would turn fully every 24 hours. Drums would beat every quarter hour, and every hour a bell would chime. These were much more accurate then other time-telling methods of that time, like the sundial and the hourglass.
    Everyday Items
  • Jan 1, 850


    Gunpowder was invented by a group of alchemists trying to find a formula to extend life using saltpeter. It is extremely dangerous and is used today in guns.
    Military Technology