Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • Book of Odes

    Book of Odes
    China's literacy traditions date back over 3,000 years! The Book of Odes was the earliest known major literacy. It was a collection of poems from the Shang and Chou dynasties.
  • T'ang Dynasty

    T'ang Dynasty
    This dynasty included some of the finest poems in all of China's literature. Many of these famous poems were written by and during Li Po and Tu Fu.
  • Prose

    Prose is written or spoken language in it's ordinary form without metrical structure. Prose had a very strong influence on how literature was written.
    ex: Analects of Confucius, Taoist tales, and The Records of the Historian.
  • Paper

    During the Han dynasty, paper was invented. Paper has helped to preserve and document all of history's literature and more literature that has yet to come.
  • Woodblock Printing

    Woodblock Printing
    Woodblock printing is a form of writing. It is a technique for printing text, image, or patterns.Woodblock printing originate in China and was revolutionary to literature,
  • Movable Type

    Movable Type
    Movable type is a system of printing and typography that uses movable parts to reproduce a document. This is usually on the medium of paper.
  • Calligraphy

    When paper was created, it opened up many new possibilities. Calligraphy is decorative handwriting. Calligraphers practiced for years in order to master the art of calligraphy.
  • Vernacular Fiction

    Vernacular Fiction
    Vernacular fiction novels were written in during the Ming Dynasty. Vernacular literature is literature that is written for the common people. It is written for everyone to understand.