Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • 1400 BCE

    Earliest Chinese writing

    Earliest Chinese writing
    Earliest evidence of Chinese writing is found on Shang oracle bones (1400-1100 BCE)
  • 1000 BCE


    Earliest known Chinese poems (1000-600 BCE)
  • 551 BCE

    The Analects

    The Analects
    Confucius teaches about ethical values including honesty, loyalty, and respect for elders. Disciples record his teachings in the Analects (551-479 BCE)
  • 500 BCE

    Tao Te Ching

    Tao Te Ching
    Lao-tzu develops teaching of Tao Te Ching
  • 500 BCE

    Book of Odes

    Book of Odes
    Book of Odes is compiled
  • 330 BCE

    Chuang Tzu

    Chuang Tzu
    Chuang Tzu writes the Chuang Tzu, teachings of Taoist philosophy
  • 100

    First Chinese dictionary

    First Chinese dictionary
    First Chinese dictionary is compiled
  • 690


    Poetry is included in the civil service exam
  • 868

    Diamond Sutra

    Diamond Sutra
    Diamond Sutra, the first book with printed dates is published
  • 900

    Song lyrics

    Song lyrics
    Song lyrics sung by women become major poetic form; Li Ch'ing-Chao masters the art (900-1200)
  • 1041

    Movable type

    Movable type
    Pi Sheng invents movable type