
Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • 1765 BCE

    The Book of Odes

    The Book of Odes
    This is one of the oldest books that began being written in about 1765 B.C. to about 1122 B.C.
  • 1400 BCE

    Pictograph Writing

    Pictograph Writing
    Turtle shells with pictograph writing was found and is dated back to about 1400 B.C.
  • 1200 BCE

    Chinese Characters

    Chinese Characters
    Written characters began during the Shang Dynasty.
  • 712 BCE


    Poetry had a major influence during the T'ang dynasty. The lyric poets of Li Po and Tu Fu was written during this time.
  • 221 BCE

    Writing Stabilized

    Writing Stabilized
    Written characters were not stabilized until the Quin Dynasty of 221-206 B.C.
  • 100 BCE

    Invention of Paper

    Invention of Paper
    Paper was created in about 100 B.C. which was during the Han dynasty.
  • 220


    China invented a way to print on cloth and movable types on wood blocking after paper became popular.
  • 868

    Diamond Sutra

    Diamond Sutra
    This was the first book with a printed date.