Chinese literature

Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • 1400 BCE

    Earliest Evidence of Chinese Writing

    Earliest Evidence of Chinese Writing
    The Shang oracle bones were pieces of turtle plastron that had writing on it. The Chinese later on adapted to this form of writing called pictographs.
  • 1000 BCE

    Earliest Known Chinese Poems

    Earliest Known Chinese Poems
    The earliest known Chinese poems came from the Book of Odes. These specific poems have been memorized by the people throughout China's history.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucius was a "Chinese teacher, editor, politician and philosopher." He taught about ethical values "such as honesty, loyalty, and respect for elders."
  • 100

    The First Chinese Dictionary

    The First Chinese Dictionary
    Shyu-Shen was a very famous Chinese man "during the middle part of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was the one to edit the first Chinese dictionary.
  • 365

    Birth of T'ao Ch'ien

    Birth of T'ao Ch'ien
    T'ao Ch'ien was a Chinese poet that "lived during the Eastern Jin and Liu Song dynasties." He is considered to be one of the most greatest and inspiring poets of the six dynasties.
  • 699

    Birth of Wang Wei

    Birth of Wang Wei
    Wang Wei was a famous Chinese Tang dynasty painter, poet, musician and statesman. Many of his poems were included in the "highly influential 18th century anthology."
  • 701

    Birth of Li Po

    Birth of Li Po
    Li Po was born in central Asia and he was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. He wrote about his own life and "his poetry is known for its clear imagery and conversational tone."
  • 712

    Birth of Tu Fu

    Birth of Tu Fu
    Tu Fu is also considered to be another one of China's greatest poets. He has risen during the Tang Dynasty and his work conveyed political and social issues.