Chinese Dynasty

  • Period: 1776 BCE to 1111 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

  • Period: 1111 BCE to 221 BCE

    Chou Dynasty

  • 322 BCE

    Power Seizes

    Chandagupta Maurya seizes power
  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE

    Ch'in Dynasty

  • Period: 206 BCE to 221

    Han Dynasty

  • Period: 217 to 580

    Era Of Division

  • Period: 217 to 419

    Eastern Chin

  • Period: 219 to 316

    Western Chin

  • Period: 386 to 532

    Northern Wei

  • Period: 535 to 554

    Western Wei

  • Period: 581 to 618

    Sui Dynasty

    The great wall was refined, and roads, along with great buildings. This was the time of construction. Which costed a ton of money, they had the nice design of China we know of now.
  • 589

    China is reunified

    China is reunified
  • 607

    Great wall

    Yangdi repaired and added more to the great wall. This wall is kept for all of China even to today.
  • Period: 618 to 906

    T'ang Dynasty

    At the end the emperor was assassinated by his own son, who was also assassinated. The warlords started to compete for power.
  • 630

    Taizong the first to control Northern Steppe

  • 683

    Gaozong Died

  • 745

    Xuanzong abandoned power

    Xuanzong fell in love and abandoned his responsibilities.
  • Period: 907 to 960

    Five Dynasties

  • Period: 907 to 1128

    LIAO Dynasty

  • Period: 960 to 1279

    Sung Dynasty

    Sung dynasty resisted the Mongol for 39 years and didn't loose its military power.
  • 1127

    North Song was overran by groups of nomads

  • 1215

    Mongols capture Beijing

  • 1235

    Song Resisted

    Song resisted Mongols attempt to destroy them. And used explosives for war for the first time.
  • Period: 1260 to 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

    China dropped during this dynasty. They lost military power, were plagued, and had deadly epidemics.
  • 1292


    Kublai sent fleets to Japan, and retreated the second attempt because of a Typhoon
  • 1315

    Civil Service

    The civil service examination was reinstated. But half the awards were degrees given to Mongols and non-Chinese without even looking at their qualifications.
  • 1344


    Tuazi became a monk
  • 1352

    Taizu joined

    Tauzi joined a rebellion group Red Turbans and rose to command quickly
  • 1368

    Tauizu took Beijing

    Beijing was captured by Tauzi
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    China desperately trying to get back up raised taxes, and were very harsh on the people. This time had rebellions and Mongolia interaction.
  • Ming suicide

    Ming suicide
    Ming Emperor commited suicide after Beijing was taken by rebels.
  • Period: to

    Ch'ing Dynasty

  • Hair Styles

    Hair Styles
    Men had to wear Manchu hairstyles
  • Rebellion

    Boxer rebellion occured
  • Period: to


    French and Japanese wars