
Chinese Dynasty

  • 1600 BCE

    Xia Dynasty

    Xia Dynasty
    The Xia dynasty is the first dynasty in traditional Chinese history. It is described in ancient historical chronicles such as the Bamboo Annals, the Classic of History and the Records of the Grand Historian. The founder is named Yu.
  • 1600 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The Shang dynasty or Yin dynasty, according to traditional historiography, ruled in the Yellow River valley in the second millennium BC.
  • 1046 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    the longest-lasting of China's dynasties. It followed the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE) and it finished when the army of the state of Qin captured the city of Chengzhou in 256 BCE.
  • 979 BCE

    Yuan Dynasty

    Yuan Dynasty
    After the Mongols defeated the people of Song dynasty in a long war, Kublai Khan, a Mongol leader, established the Yuan dynasty.
  • 222 BCE

    Six Dynasties

    Six Dynasties
    Six dynasties have got its name for the six successive dynasties that appeared in Southern China during the period. Not ruled by single leader.The 6 dynasties that held power during the three and a half centuries were:
    • Wu (222 AD–280 AD)
    • Dong (Eastern) Jin (317 AD–420 AD)
    • Liu-Song (420 AD–479 AD)
    • Nan (Southern) Qi (479 AD–502 AD)
    • Nan Liang (502 AD–557 AD)
    • Nan Chen (557 AD–589 AD)
    The period ended when Emperor Wen of Sui reunified Southern and Northern China and the Sui Dynasty began.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty
    The Qin existed during the Warring States Period and came to power as a dynasty by combining China under its first emperor, Shi Huangdi. Ruled over China for 15 years. Emperor Qin maintained the Qin Dynasty by carrying out many reforms in politics, economy, military affairs, and culture. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, Great Wall of China was built under his order.
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
    Han consisted of two dynasties: the Western Han (206 BC - 24 AD) and the Eastern Han (25 AD – 220 AD). During the period there were 24 emperors on the throne. Many were excellent contributing to the prosperity of the country with Emperors Gaozu, Wen, Jing and Wu among them.The Han Dynasty was a period of peace and prosperity as many effective measures were taken by the emperors during their rule.
  • 589

    Sui Dynasty

    Sui Dynasty
    The Sui Dynasty lasted for only 38 years and had only three emperors during its tenure. Sui united China again under one rule. They also expanded the Great Wall and built the Grand Canal.The decline of the Sui Dynasty started from the second monarch, Emperor Yang, who was a tyrant. He showed no respect for his parents, slaughtered people and grabbed the throne. Emperor Yang led a luxurious and corrupt life.When Emperor Yang was killed by one of his subordinates, the dynasty completely collapsed.
  • 907

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    After Emperor Yang was killed by his chancellor, Yuwen Huaji, Li Yuan took the chance to proclaim himself as the emperor and changed the state title to Tang, keeping Changan as the capital city.The rule of Tang dynasty is sometimes known as the Golden Age of Ancient China.In 907 AD, the last Tang emperor, Emperor Ai was forced to resign by Chancellor Zhu Quanzhong, who later changed the state title into Liang. Putting the powerful and mighty dynasty to an end.
  • 907

    Five Dynasties

    Five Dynasties
    The period of the five dynasties lasted for only 53 years, from 907 AD to 960 AD. The Five Dynasties comprised a string of dynasties in northern China that succeeded one another from 907 AD to 960 AD.The Five Dynasties are the Later Liang Dynasty, Later Tang Dynasty, Later Jin Dynasty, Later Han Dynasty, and Later Zhou Dynasty.
    After the death of the Later Zhou emperor and the forced resignation of his son, the Song dynasty came into power.
  • 979

    Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    Song dynasty was founded by General Zhao Kuang-yin. This first emperor of the Song dynasty was put on the throne by his own troops in Kaifeng. He slowly reconquered all of China. First he defeated the empire Chu, then Shu in Szechuan, next south China and in the 970s the other small empires.Thus unification was completed in 979 AD, with the conquer of the northern Han empire.China became a world leader in science and technology and also inventions such as typography and compass were made.
  • Ming Dynasty

    Ming Dynasty
    The last of the great Chinese dynasties, the Ming dynasty finished the Great Wall and built the Forbidden City, an enormous palace for the Emperor. The Ming dynasty came into power by overthrowing the rule of the Mongols.
  • Qing dynasty

    Qing dynasty
    The last emperor of the Ming dynasty hanged himself when army of peasants led by Li Zicheng entered Beijing. The Manchus invaded China in 1644 AD and defeated the army led by Li Zicheng.This way Manchus set up a new dynasty called the Qing dynasty. This dynasty ruled China for the next 300 years. Qing dynasty was succeeded by Republic of China thus ending the period of ancient dynasties.