
Chinese Dynasties

  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    The Shang Dynasty is the first dynasty of ancient China. The Shang are known for their accomplishments in math, astronomy, artwork, and military technology. They were also a Bronze Age Civilization. They created bronze vessels using techniques that are unknown to anyone else in the world.
  • 1046 BCE

    Battle of Mu Ye

    Battle of Mu Ye
    The Shang constantly fought enemies at their frontiers. The conflict between the Shang and the Zhou increased until King Wu of Zhou formed an alliance with surrounding states. In the 1046 BCE the Shang were defeated by the Zhou at the Battle of Mu Ye. This marks the end of the Shang Dynasty.
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 256 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty was established by King Wu after they defeated the Shang Dynasty. Two periods in the Zhou Dynasty: Western and Eastern Zhou. The Western period was a time of peace. Eventually, the Zhou king lost control of some of his territories and rebelled. They took over the capital city. The son of the Zhou king was able to escape to the east and build a new capital. This dynasty is called Eastern Zhou. The dynasty went into a Warring States Period which ended when Qin conquered them.
  • 770 BCE


    Taoism was introduced by Chinese philosopher named Lao Tzu. His teaching focus on balance and harmony. Today it is one of the five official religions in China.
  • 400 BCE


    Confucianism was created by a Chinese philosopher by the name of Confucius. His teachings greatly influenced the culture and government throughout the history of China.
  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    After Qin Shihuangdi conquered the states, ending the Warring States Period, he declared himself as the first emperor of China. He made many reforms to make sure that the empire would run smoothly. He also started the construction of the Great Wall of China. Although he was a skilled leader, he was an oppressor and normal people suffered from the Qin laws. After he died rebellions broke out. A battle broke out between two major powers resulting in Han victory.
  • 210 BCE

    Invention of Paper

    Invention of Paper
    The Han Dynasty is a period of invention and science. One major invention was the invention of paper. Before paper was invented, people would write on bone or bamboo strips, which were hard to transport. They would also write on silk, but that was too expensive. The invention of paper allowed the people to keep and transport records easily.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    The Han Dynasty was created by a man by the the name of Liu Bang. Instead of harshly ruling over the people like the Qin did, Han rulers believed that government officials should now the Confucian ideas of loyalty and concern for others. They believed that those in powerful roles of government should be educated. The Han government fell in during the second century due to plagues of locusts and floods and in 220, Han rule came to an end.
  • 202 BCE

    Battle of Gaixia

    Battle of Gaixia
    After Qin Shihuangdi died, institutions fell apart and revolts broke out. Generals created armies and two powerful groups emerged. These powers were the Western Chu and the Han. They fought for the control of China for eight years. Finally, the Chu were defeated at the Battle of Gaixia.
  • Period: 220 to 589

    Six Dynasties Period

    This Six Dynasties Period is known as a period of disunity. The Han government collapsed and China was divided for 350 years. Many refugee aristocrats tried to control China like Han, but they all failed. During this time of disarray, Buddhism was brought to China. Many people were attracted to this religion because it addressed questions of suffering and death.
  • 280


    Buddhism entered China near the end of the Han Dynasty. It was mostly practiced by foreigners, but when the Han Dynasty collapsed more people were attracted to the religion. This was because it focused on ending desires to reach peace and addressed questions of suffering and death.
  • Period: 581 to 618

    Sui Dynasty

    After three centuries of instability, an army general reunited China and founded the Sui Dynasty. He created a new law code and designed a civil service exam in order to choose government officials wisely. These policies would be used by the succeeding dynasties. The Sui Dynasty was also responsible for creating the Grand Canal which connects north and south China. However, the Sui emperors tried to do too much in a short amount of time and were eventually overthrown by a rebellion in 617.
  • 609

    Grand Canal

    Grand Canal
    The Grand Canal was built during the Sui Dynasty in order to provide a quicker and more efficient way of transport. It connects north and south China and is the longest man-made waterway in the world. Millions of people were forced to work on the canal and many died during construction. The project took six years to build and was completes in 609.
  • Period: 618 to 907

    Tang Dynasty

    After the Sui Dynasty collapsed, many people fought for power. Emperor Taizong and his father co-founded the Tang Dynasty. During this time, China entered a period of prosperity. The Tang Dynasty was also tolerant to different religions and cultures. The Tang were responsible for expanding the empire and their economy grew rapidly. The Tang is also known as China’s golden age of poetry. In 755 the An Lushan rebellion seriously weakened the Dynasty.
  • 874

    An Lushan Rebellion

    An Lushan Rebellion
    The An Lushan Rebellion greatly weakened the Tang Dynasty. An Lushan was a member of the court. He heard that his enemies on the court were conspiring against him, resulting in revolt. The Tang were able to halt the rebellion, but they never fully recovered.
  • Period: 907 to 960

    Five Dynasties Period

    The Tang Dynasty never recovered from the An Lushan Rebellion. The government could no longer maintain order and bandits ravages towns in the countryside. In 907 the Shang abandoned power and the Five Dynasties Period began. During this time there were a series of five short-lived dynasties that took over.
  • 923

    Five Dynasties Period

    Five Dynasties Period
    The five dynasties that succeeded each other during this period are: Later Lang (907 - 923), Later Tang (923 - 936), Later Jin (936 - 947), Later Han (947 - 951), and Later Zhou (951 - 960).
  • Period: 960 to 1279

    Song Dynasty

    Zhou Kuangyin founded the Song Dynasty and reunited China after the Five Dynasties Period. This period was a time of great inventions and advancements. Some major inventions were gunpowder and the magnetic compass. They also expanded their education system and their economy flourished. This is also where the world's first paper money was created. The Dynasty ended when the Mongols defeated them at the Battle of Yamen.
  • 1279

    Battle of Yamen

    Battle of Yamen
    The Battle of Yamen was a naval battle between the Mongols and Song loyalists, resulting in Mongol victory. This marks the end of the Song Dynasty and the first time China had been conquered by a foreign group.
  • Period: 1279 to 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

    The Yuan Dynasty was a period of time when China was under the rule of the Mongol Empire. It was founded by Khubilai Khan after he defeated the Song in the Battle of Yamen. During this time society was organized into different categories, with Mongols on top and southern Chinese at the bottom. After Khubilai Khan's death the dynasty began to weaken and his heirs fought for power. Rebel groups began to form and soon the Yuan were overthrown.
  • 1280

    Social Classes

    Social Classes
    In order to keep control of the people, Khubilai Khan created a social class system based on race. The highest class was made up of Mongols. Below that were foreigners like Muslims and Turks. At the bottom of society were the Chinese people, southern Chinese people being the lowest.
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    Emperor Hongwu took control of China after the fall of the Yuan Dynasty and founded the Ming Dynasty. He attempted to keep the cost of the government low and make sure taxes were fair for the people. During this time the dynasty rebuilt the Great Wall of China and the Grand Canal. They also built a city called the Forbidden City which was the emperor's palace. The dynasty lasted for 276 years.
  • 1400

    Forbidden City

    Forbidden City
    The Forbidden City was a city that was the emperor's palace. The city was located in the capital city of Beijing. It has almost 1000 buildings and covers over 185 acres of land.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China. The Manchu people invaded China and declared a new dynasty called the Qing. Qing rulers maintained order through harsh discipline. Under Qing rule China experienced peace and growth. One problem the empire faced was opium. The drug became illegal but the British continued to smuggle it. This led to the Opium Wars resulting in British victory. The dynasty began to decline due to rebellions and wars and the Qing government was overthrown.
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    In the 1800s the British started selling opium in China. Many people became addicted to the drug and the government made it illegal. However, the British continued to smuggle it into China. The Chinese government dumped the opium from British ships into the ocean and a war broke out. The Chinese were easily defeated and were forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing.