Chinese Discoveries & Inventions

  • Period: 3000 BCE to Dec 31, 1400

    Chinese History

  • 2700 BCE


    The Chinese have been drinking tea since 2700 B.C. For thousands of years, tea (made by letting tea leaves stay in boiling water) was drunk mostly as medicine for the people. Industry
  • 850 BCE


    The Chinese people who where the first make gunpowder were alchemists, these people are who practiced the blending of science and magic known as alchemy. Military Technology
  • 400 BCE

    Improving Travel by Sea

    Improving Travel by Sea
    The first Chinese compass had pieces of a magnetic mineral
    called lodestone. Earth itself is like a giant magnet with
    north and south poles. Exploration and Travel
  • 100


    The Chinese invented paper making by the 2nd century C.E. The earliest Chinese paper was made from hemp and the bark of the mulberry tree. Later, the Chinese used rags instead. Industry
  • 100

    The Chinese made sea travel safer.

    The Chinese made sea travel safer.
    By the 2nd century C.E., they started building ships with separate, watertight compartments. Builders divided the ships into sections and sealed each section with caulk, a sealant that keeps out water. If there were a leak, it would be isolated. Exploration and Travel
  • 450

    Paddle Wheel

    Paddle Wheel
    In the 5th century, the Chinese adapted this idea by arranging a series of paddles in a wheel. People walked on a treadmill to turn the paddle wheel, which in turn moved through the water, moving the boat forward. Exploration and Travel
  • Feb 16, 600


    In the 7th century, the Chinese invented something called woodblock printing. The printer first drew characters (symbols) on paper. You would then glued the paper to the wooden block. When the glue dried, the printer carved the wood around the letters, leaving the letters raised on the wood. Industry
  • Feb 16, 900


    By the 10th century, the Chinese had made the first weapon that used gunpowder: the flamethrower. Early flamethrowers contained gunpowder mixed with oil. The Chinese used them to spray enemies with a stream of fire. Military Technology
  • Feb 16, 1300

    Rocket Technology

    Rocket Technology
    Rocket technology was made in China during the Song dynasty. Rockets were powered by a black powder made with saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. First, rockets were used as fireworks. Then later, the Chinese used them as weapons. Military Technology