6000 BCE
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. It is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. -
3000 BCE
a fine, strong, soft, lustrous fiber produced by silkworms in making cocoons and collected to make thread and fabric. -
1600 BCE
Porcelain is a ceramic material made by heating materials, generally including kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200 and 1,400 °C. -
206 BCE
A compass is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions. -
100 BCE
Paper Making
material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material. -
Mechanical clock
the clock operated with water steadily dripping on a wheel that made a full revolution every 24 hours. -
Chinese alchemist looking for the secret to eternal life accidentally discovered gun power. -
The toothbrush is an oral hygiene instrument used to clean the teeth, gums, and tongue. It consists of a head of tightly clustered bristles mounted on a handle which facilitates the cleaning of hard to reach areas of the mouth. -
a hot drink made by infusing the dried, crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water.