China Timeline Project

  • 2100 BCE

    Xia Dynasty

    Xia Dynasty
    The Xia Dynasty began around 2100 BCE. At this time, communication was evolving, and society was becoming more complex. The Xia Dynasty was during the late Neolithic Period. This Dynasty fell in about 1600 BCE.
  • 1600 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The Shang Dynasty began around 1600 BCE. This dynasty had many different temples, palaces, and a social structure where people were divided by their wealth and job. The Shang Dynasty was during the Bronze Age. This dynasty ended in about 1046 BCE.
  • 1046 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    The Zhou Dynasty began in about 1046 BCE. They used oracle bones to communicate with spirits and ancestors. Only high-class people such as kings or leaders could reach these spirits. However, there was no central government. The Zhou Dynasty took place during the Neolithic Period. This dynasty ended in about 256 BCE.
  • 600 BCE


    Daoism, founded by Laozi, is said to be an invisible force that is known as the source of everything that exists. They Daoists believed that yielding was always better than being assertive. They wanted the world to return to its natural state and for there to be no more rulers.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucius was an adviser of rulers. Confucius lived from 551 BCE to 479 BCE. He spent most of his time in Lu, his birthplace. Confucius was very persuasive, and tried to convince people to do good rather than bad, if given the choice. He encouraged them to learn from books such as The Book of Songs, a Zhou book, and others. He believed that if a ruler was victorious, his people would also do good.*/
  • 500 BCE


    Together, yin and yang show balance of many things. Yin symbolizes females, darkness, wet, and cool. It is negative. Yin is the moon and the earth. Yin means growth, and yin is also passive.
  • 500 BCE


    The balance of many things are shown within yin and yang. Yang is positive, light, it symbolizes the sun. Yang is heaven, heat, and fire. Yang also symbolizes generations and is active.
  • 200


    Legalism is a political standpoint that states that the only way to accomplish peace and prosperity is through severe punishment. Legalism also stated that power and harsh, strict rules were to be put over virtue. Cheng, the first emperor of Qin, followed the beliefs of Legalism.
  • 200

    Buddhism Entered China

    Buddhism Entered China
    Buddhism was brought into China by traders and travelers of the Silk Road. At first only foreigners practiced Buddhism. After time, after the downfall of the Han Dynasty, the people began to turn to Buddhism because it gave reasons to the poor events that were happening. Buddhism became very popular in China by the mid 500s.*/buddhism
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I'm 14