china dynasties

By barrett
  • Period: 200 to

    china's dynasites

    200 EC to 1644 AD
  • 221

    Qin dynasty

    Qin dynasty
    Qin dynasty: 221 BC- 206BC.First unification of china under one ruler.
  • 356

    Han dynasty

    Han dynasty
    Han dynasty:206BC-220AD. Brought in a golden age for china.
  • 455

    song dynasty

    song dynasty
    The song dynasty broughAD960–1279ADt Scholar-Officials neo-Confucianism Confucius Lower Class gains exams under the ruler passing the exams
  • tang dynasty

    tang dynasty
    The tang dynasties from220ADto907ADto had aristocracy Civil Service Exams and Peasant Rebellion.
  • Mongol Rule

    Mongol Rule
    The Mongol empire AD1206–1368ADChinese under Kublai Khan the first emperor in the Mongol empire Four Classes Government positions