
China By; Trenton Litchfield 10/17/17

  • 2070 BCE

    The Xia Dynasty

    The Xia Dynasty
    Is the first dynasty in traditional Chinese history. Xia dynasty was the first to irrigate, produce cast bronze, and build a strong army. It used oracle bones and had a calendar.
  • 1600 BCE

    The Shang Dynasty

    The Shang Dynasty
    According to traditional historiography, ruled in the Yellow River valley in the second millennium BC. One event more than any other was the Bronze Age. It was during the Shang dynasty that bronze working became common.
  • 1046 BCE

    The Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty
    was the longest-lasting of China's dynasties. It followed the Shang Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty came to an end during the Warring States period in 256 BCE, when the army of the state of Qin captured the city of Chengzhou and the last Zhou ruler, King Nan, was killed.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucianism developed from what was later called the Hundred Schools of Thought from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE), who considered himself a re-transmitter of the values of the Zhou dynasty golden age of several centuries before.The Five Classics and Four Books were the basis of the civil examination in imperial China and can be considered the Confucian canon.
  • 550 BCE


    Buddhism is a way of finding peace within oneself. It is a religion that helps us to find the happiness and contentment. Buddhists develop inner peace, kindness and wisdom through their daily practice.
  • 475 BCE


    Legalism, school of Chinese philosophy that attained prominence during the turbulent Warring States era and, through the influence of the philosophers Shang Yang, Li Si, and Hanfeizi, formed the ideological basis of China’s first imperial dynasty,
  • 100 BCE


    Daoism is a philosophical and religious tradition that developed in China in ancient times under the influence of ideas credited to a man named Laozi. Like Confucianism, it has deeply influenced Chinese culture. Thus, “Daoism” encompasses thought and practice that sometimes are viewed as “philosophical".
  • Reflection

    I learned about the Xia Dynasty and how it was the first dynasty in traditional Chinese history. We learned that the Shang Dynasty was ruled in the Yellow River valley in the second millennium BC. We learned that the Zhou Dynasty was the longest-lasting of China's dynasties. We learned about Confucius and his teachings.