baby's first month
When placed on the baby's stomach, it is able to lift it's chin. -
baby's second month
When baby is on it's stomach, it is not only able to lift it's chin, but its chest well above the surface. -
baby's third and fourth month
Baby is able to hold their head up steadily. They can reach for an object, but not so good. And they are able to roll from side to side. -
baby's fith to six months
The baby is able to sit alone, for a short period of time. They are now able to reach, grasp, crumble, bang, and splash things with their hand. And they can now turn completly over, wheather they are on their back or stomach. -
baby's seven to eight months
Baby is now able to sit up steadily, reach for spoons, they can eat with their fingers, pick up big objects, pull themselfs up with help of furniture, and propels themself with their arms, knees, or squirming mothions. -
baby's nine to ten months
They baby is more skillful with spoons. They can reach for and handle objects, like medium sized toys, with good control of their mussles. They can craw on their hands and knees, and walk when helped by holding on to things. -
Baby's eleven to thwelve months
The baby is now able to show it's domanaint hand. They can hold a cup in their hands. They can fit toys in the right spot. They are able to stand alone, and may be able to walk alone.