May 10, 1200
Birth of Stephen
Stephen, the leader of the French Children's Crusade, is born a few years before the Fourth Crusade. He was suspected to be a preteen during the Children's Crusade. -
May 10, 1204
The End of the Fourth Crusade
The infamous fourth crusade destroyed Christian morale, as crusaders ravaged the Byzantine Empire but ultimately failed in their main goal. -
May 10, 1212
Stephen Incites Children's Crusade in France
Stephen, a shepherd boy from France, allegedly receives divine inspiration from God to reclaim Jerusalem. -
May 10, 1212
The German Children's Crusade Gathers
Nicholas, a German youth, gathers yet another purported 20,000 children, and they voyage through the Alps to their destination, which none of them ever reach. -
Jun 10, 1212
The French Children's Crusade Begins
Stephen goes to Paris to receive the king's backing for his endeavor; after being snubbed his following allegedly grows to 30,000 children. -
Oct 10, 1212
Dissolution of Children's Crusade
Both of the Children's Crusades slowly devolved over time. When unable to gain support, many members would attempt to walk home; more often than not they would die. Others would die from exposure to the elements, and, especially nearing the end of the voyages, they were allegedly kidnapped, murdered, raped, or sold into slavery. Seven boatloads of the remaining French children set sail across the Mediterranean. They were never found. In the end, the death toll of the crusade was gigantic.