I was born :)
My fourth birthday
Got a new dog and named him Teddy
Legally Blonde
Broke my leg and had surgery
Graduate High School
Graduate College!
Get Married
First baby
What does your timeline tell you about yourself?
I am so blessed and have had a wonderful family growing up as well as several opportunities to perform and develop my talents. I am also a hard worker, and I have some grit pushing through my ankle's recovery, getting back to dance, and going through all the physical and emotional pain post-surgery. -
How different would you be if you could change a few events along your line?
The opportunity I had to play Elle in Legally Blonde was a huge confidence builder for me. Without it, I may have quit musical theater altogether because before that show I was not getting many opportunities to be big leads like that, and I did not have very much confidence in myself or my talents. If I had not broken my leg, I may not be as mature as I am now. I grew so much that year in myself. -
How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?
My future is far from set and stone. I do think I am going to K-State next year, but that could change as well. I still do not have a career figured out. I have no idea if I'll meet a guy in college or when I'll get married, have kids, etc. I still have so much to learn and figure out. This next chapter will be an adventure.