Childhood Through History

  • 600 BCE


    Children were used to be considerated as their parent's property. And like any other object, they could decide on their life. It was pretty common considering some childs like a load they need to get rid of.
    In ancient times were used many excuses so adults could use infants life as they wanted.
  • 300

    Children as sexual companions

    Children as sexual companions
    The participation of children in orgies was normalized in ancient rome. Teenager boys were used as sexual companions for high command soldiers. No respect for their dignity was given.
  • 700


    Infanticide was seen as an awful action, but children could still been disposed by their parents. Most of them opted fo abandoment, as an indirect way to get rid of them. Children were sold or used as any other object.
  • 1450

    Children as adults

    Children as adults
    At this point, the children began to take part of the daily activities adults did, now they were considered the only ones responsible for their actions. Violence against them was recurrent, as a teaching method and also it was seen as a way adults could release their anger.
  • Intrusion

    Here, the modern feeling of childhood is starting to grow. Children are now considered individuals to perfect. The distinction between children and adults begins to appear, however, there's no sympathy towards them. Infant mortality decreases during this time, parents take more care of their offspring (allows the birth of branches such as pediatrics).
  • Ilustration

    Allows a loving and compassionate approach to the idea of ​​being an infant. The innate goodness that they have is recognized and also how the society in which they live corrupts them.
  • Jonh Locke: Tabula Rasa

    Jonh Locke: Tabula Rasa
    His idea of the "Tabula Rasa" was the first one that introduced the conception of innate innocence of children. Since no one is born good or bad, is experience which ultimately determines whether we are good or not.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The rates of child labour decreased considerably. The displacement towards the urban centers allowed them to consolidate as a group in society, the relationship with the parents and their roles in that society. More free time which could be used in the study.
  • Socialization

    This stage is caracterized for his focus on guiding children into adulthood. Steps in education are created to promote socialization between them. There's an increasing interest on protecting children, it's stipulated that children deserved to be protected and society must take care of every single on of them.
  • Sigmund Freud's conception

    Sigmund Freud's conception
    Sigmund Freud developed a theory based on his own psychoanalysis, where he determined that the greatest goal in our lives, which is presented from our childhood, is pleasure. Freud stated that children avoided the painful at all costs and sought the pleasurable. He formulated a series of steps which infants had to follow until they reached full development and adult life.
  • UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child

    UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child
    It was a commitment between all countries, to promote and protect each of the rights of children.
  • Actuality

    Nowadays, the conception we have of childhood is a very complete and extended one. It has a differentiated approach where the development of the unique characteristics of each individual is promoted, understanding their needs and promoting their development. Parents and caregivers assume this task with dedication and effort. Society in general recognizes the importance of childhood.