
Childhood story through time


    The idea of childhood was observed as how children are bad from birth.
    The child is created as a defenseless being and that is why it must be taken care of by someone responsible and the child is defined "as property"
  • 16th AND 17th CENTURY

    16th AND 17th CENTURY
    The conception of the child is of a human being, but incomplete, the child as a small adult. He is recognized with a condition of goodness and inosence "like an angel"

    He is given the status of an infant but knowing that he still lacks elements to be someone "a primitive being, In democratic societies and very especially through Rosseau who noticed the special characteristics of childhood
  • Year 1908

     Year 1908
    In the law 1098 of childhood, the term of the boy and the girl is adopted, from uss first years, without taking into account the age, gender, race, ethnicity or social stratum
  • Year 1989

    Year 1989
    The international convention on the rights of the child, approved by the United Nations National Assembly on November 20, 1989, is defined as a subject of law, recognizing the child with the status of person and citizen.
  • World Declaration on Education for All

    World Declaration on Education for All
    The main purpose formulated in the World Declaration on Education for All is to meet the basic learning needs of all children, youth and adults.
  • Year 1991

    Year 1991
    The political constitution (1991): The rights of the child prevail over those corresponding to other people, the fundamental rights of children are recognized and the obligation of the state, society and the family is established.
  • Year 1994

    Year 1994
    Law 115 preschool education corresponds to that offered to the child for their integral development in the biological, cognitive, psychomotor, socio-affective and spiritual aspects through pedagogical and recreational socialization experiences.
  • Year 1996

    Year 1996
    The international commission on early childhood education for the twentieth century declares that early schooling can contribute to equal opportunities by helping to overcome the initial obstacles of poverty or of a social and cultural environment.
  • Year 2002

    Year 2002
    The “Colombian alliance for early childhood” was started, which created a mobilization through a working group made up of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare ICBF
  • Year 2004

    Year 2004
    The Ministry of National Education declares educating a child means opening the world to him and putting it within his reach also means helping him break down many of the barriers that can prevent him from planning his life and charting a course to carry out that project