Childhood in history

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    Education was born in Greece

    Education was born in Greece
    In classical Greece appears the conception of liberal education and individual development. The boys are educated until adolescence, receiving instruction in philosophy, science and literature. In ancient Rome, the focus was more on sports and physical education. Education was divided into three stages: Ludus, Grammar and Rhetoric. Presenting mixed schools up to 12 years old, from this age they were divided by sex.
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    The child's right to live was a more or less arbitrary decision of the parents, since they were considered their property and had the power to dispose of their lives.
    When parents routinely resolved their child custody anxieties by killing their children, it profoundly influenced the children who survived.
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    The child is considered a being of evil

    The child is considered a being of evil
    The idealization of the child as a bad and libertine being that must be socialized, cushioned by discipline and punishment. There is no concern for the children themselves and the educational processes are not child-friendly. The boy is considered a homunculus. There is no evidence of progress, of qualitative transformations, but of passing from a lesser situation to a situation of antiquity. The child must be reformed. Fatherhood and education imply care and love for God but not for the child.
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    When we acquire the idea that the child is a being that has a soul, the way to ignore his anguish is through abandonment, the infants enter monasteries or convents, they give themselves to their parents educators, they give themselves to other families so that the adopt. They are sent to other homes to work as servants, thrown out on the street or left at home, but each of these situations leads to emotional abandonment by the parents.
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    The perception of childhood is reborn

    The perception of childhood is reborn
    The child is not born with good or bad intentions, but what he becomes and what he does will obviously depend on his experiences. The idea that girls and boys should be educated persists and the mother is considered the fundamental educator. The idealization of compulsory schooling up to the age of 12 is defended. And the emphasis is on teaching the mother tongue, not Latin.
  • Ambivalence

    So much so that the son, when he was allowed to enter the affective life of the parents, continued to be the object of risky projections, the parents have the obligation to model the offspring and to use the instructions of the children in certain circumstances. Physical and emotional punishments are used to educate.
  • Rousseau-The family as a fundamental base

    Rousseau-The family as a fundamental base
    He expressed that the child is good from birth. Education must be inhibited at the level of the infant, the relevance of action and experiences, and not only of the verb, for obtaining knowledge. The family begins to play a fundamental role, despite this there is an egalitarian definition of childhood.
  • Intrusion

    In the eighteenth century the modern feeling of childhood was born, parents approach their children, but do not play with them but dominate their will. It's not a typical empathic approach yet, but it soon will be. In these times, pediatrics and scientific knowledge towards infants appear, adding to the care gesture of parents, infant mortality has decreased considerably.
  • Childhood in the Industrial Revolution

    Childhood in the Industrial Revolution
    During the Industrial Revolution, labor was unrecorded and children were part of this decidedly tedious work, working between noon and midnight every day, six times a week, with one hour off. They weren't allowed to wear watches, and factory managers took advantage of this to manipulate the weather and make children work longer hours according to their schedules.
  • The rights of the child begin

    The rights of the child begin
    In the middle of the 19th century, the idea of granting special protection to children arose in France; this served to lead to a progressive development of children's rights. From 1841, the laws begin to monopolize children in their work and, from 1881, the French system guarantees the right of children to education.
  • Socialization

    To the extent that the projections diminish significantly, the habitual character is more inclined to nurture and mold (guide) it than to dominate the child's will. In the 19th century, the father began to take an interest in the child, in her education, and sometimes even helped the mother with the tasks that child care imposed on her.
    The mode of socialization remains for many the only model to discuss the education of children.
  • Sigmund Freud's analysis

    Sigmund Freud's analysis
    From the analysis and interpretation of Freudian texts, three moments can be identified for thinking about the notion of “child”; a first moment associated with the theory of seduction. A second moment, characterized by the discovery of infantile sexuality. Finally, a third moment is approached, framed in the debate on the possibility of doing psychoanalysis with children, where one wonders if the child is a subject of the unconscious in the same way as adults.
  • Helping Mode

    Helping Mode
    In this model, empathy with the child is involved, who knows better than the parents the needs that they lack. There are no physical or psychological penalties for instructing the child, but rather a dialogue is normally evidenced, the child is understood, played with and a relationship is carried out responsibly. This method entails a great effort on the part of both parents in relation to the energy, time and dialogue necessary mainly in the early stages of childhood.
  • Declaration of the rights of the child

    Declaration of the rights of the child
    The United Nations General Assembly approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. This recognition marked the first major international consensus on the fundamental principles of children's rights.
  • The perception of childhood nowadays-21st century

    The perception of childhood nowadays-21st century
    Today's children are more independent, inquisitive, questioning, modern and technological, they are not afraid of authority, but despite everything they are always excited and surprised, the childhood of the 21st century that, in addition to a series of challenges and situations typical of a society that increasingly leads them to assume adult roles that do not concern them because of their age.