Period: 1300 to 1354
The Chile as a sexual object
the child in ancient times lived his first years in an atmosphere of sexual abuse was used sexually by older men -
Period: 1354 to 1430
Helpless child
Since the VI century, children are conceived as dependent and defenseless, the children's parents sent them to other homes at the age of 7 as servants except royalty -
Period: 1401 to 1500
Childhood conception (fifteenth century XV)
The English opened the possibility of ending diapers and also gave way to end breastfeeding, it was said that the newborn is full of the stains and contamination of sin -
Period: 1401 to 1500
Fiftheenth century (XV)
In the 15th century, the child is defined as property, which is why the child is conceived as helpless and for this reason it must be in the care of someone. -
Period: 1501 to
Sixteen century
By the 16th century, the conception of a child is that of a human being, that is, the child recognized as a small adult -
Period: to
Angel of innate goodness (XVII)
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the child is recognized for his goodness and innocence he used to be called the angel of innate goodness -
Period: to
Infante allowed (XVIII)
In the eighteenth century he was given the category of infant but to achieve this he must be someone permissive -
Period: to
Recognized child
Thanks to everything that arose in childhood and the research carried out, the category is finally given in which the child is recognized as a social subject of law