Stop child labour 16

Child Labour, mostly US and Uganda based information

  • Child Labour Started

    Child Labour Started
    Child Labour started with the advent of the industrial revolution in large numbers, although, it doesnt have a exact date and has existed is some form throughout the world's history.
  • Period: to

    Child Labour

    Most exact dates are unknown.
  • New England Association

    New England Association
    The association of mechanics, farmers and other working men officially condemn child labour.
  • Massachusetts

    Creates the first state law on child labour, requiring factory children under a certain age to go to school for a minimum of 3 months a year.
  • Massachusetts

    Limit children 10 hours per day of work. Other states do the same but are not consistant with the law enforcement.
  • American Federation

    American Federation
    Calls for states to enact legislation barring working children under 14 from wage labour.
  • Florence Kelley

    Florence Kelley
    Wrote 'Our Toiling Children' which talks about the state of child labour and urges buyers to use their influence to improve working conditions.
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    Jane Addams discovers the Juvenile Protective Association to help against racism, child labour, exploitation, child abuse and child prostitition in Chicago and outlines their effects on child development.
  • Nation Child Labour Committee

    Nation Child Labour Committee
    Formed with the goal to end all child labour.
  • President Franklin

    President Franklin
    Signs the Fair Labour Standards Act, which also includes putting limits on many forms of child labour.
  • Fair Labour Standards Act

    Fair Labour Standards Act
    Amandment to directly prohibit child labour for the first time.
  • Global March Against Child Labour

    Global March Against Child Labour
    Came about due to the overwhelming response to stop child labour.
  • New law

    New law
    Internations Labour Organization’s Convention 182 becomes a world law. It stops the worst forms of child labour, which include slavery, forced recruitment for armed conflict, prostitution, trafficking and any other unhealthy work for children.
  • Kony 2012

    Kony 2012
    A video about a guy named Joseph Kony was released, about how he was treating children in Uganda.