baby can coo and make gurgling sounds
Language/Communication -
Baby starts smiling
Social/Emotional -
Baby begins to follow things with eyes
cognitive -
Baby can hold up his/her head and starts to push up when he/she is on his/her tummy
Movement/Physical -
Baby smiles a lot, mostly to people
Social/Emotional -
Baby cries in different way to show that he/she is in pain,Hungry, or tired
Language/Communications -
Baby can reach for toy with one hand
Cognitive -
Baby brings hand to mouth
Movement/physical -
Likes to look at self in a mirror
Social/Emotional -
Baby begins to say consonant sounds
Language/Communication -
Shows curiosity about things and tries to get things that are out of reach
Cognitive -
Baby begins to sit without support
Physical/Movement -
Baby has favorite toys
Social/Emotional -
Uses fingers to point at things
Language/Communication -
Plays peek-a-boo
Cognitive -
Shows fear in some situations
Social an emotional -
Uses simple gestures, like shaking head “no” or waving “bye-bye”
Tries to say words you say
Language/communication -
Bangs two things together
Cognitive -
Baby points to things in a book
Language/Communication -
Baby begins to sort shapes and colors
Cognitive -
Baby stands on tiptoe
Movement/Physical -
May have temper tantrums
Social/emotional -
Baby can point to show what he/she wants
Language/Communication -
Baby can scribble on his/her own
Cognitive -
Baby can drink from a cup
Movement/Physical -
Baby gets excited when with other children