Happy Birthday
I was born in KU medical hospital.
I was very light skin.
I was born September 5 1995 -
Four months
Slept about 6 hours before i would bother my parents in the middle of the night.
Loved to be held and close.
My mom told me that i definitely could recognize a bottle or her breast. -
By eight monts
I wanted to eat all the time so i probably got fed 3 or 4 times a day.
I started to explore things by banging, hitting, and mouthing it.
Spent time watching & observing. -
12 months
able to stand while holding on to the furniture.
I was dancing & bouncing to music.
Started to respond to my name. -
12 to 18 months
Able to wave bye bye and clap hands.
use expression like "uh-oh."
Became upset when seperated from parent. -
18 to 24 months
Came attached to a toy or blanket.
Had a vocabulary of several hundred words.
I loved to run around & walk -
Two years old
I was possesive of my parents attention & became jealous.
Open cabinets and drawers.
Say the name of toys -
Three years old
Talking in complete sentences
learned how to feed myself
Could make simple choices between things -
Four years old
Asked a lot of questions.
Able to ride a tricycle
Enjoyed playing with other children -
Five years old
I would organize games & other kids toys for pretend play.
Began to lose my baby teeth.
Understood about 13,000 words. -
Six through Eight years old
I had a bestfriend & an enemy.
I was able to print my name.
I was very interested in reading. -
Nine through Eleven years old
I was very interested in competitive sports.
Improved coordination & reaction time.
I always fantasize & daydream about the future.