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The Development of Children Throughout the Years: How were these Children Raised?

By boothb
  • 428 BCE

    Plato is born

    An Athenian philosopher in Ancient Greece, Famous for saying,
    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
  • Period: 1300 to 1400

    The Medieval Times: Children = Wealth

    Children were considered adults at age seven. A governess would take care of wealthy children so that the mother could fulfill her responsibility, which was having more children. Adolescence was hardly recognized as a stage of development.
  • Period: 1400 to 1500


    Childhood was not idealized during this time. Childhood was seen as a time of immaturity and uselessness because a child could not work. The death rate was very high, but parents were still loving to their children even if they couldn't work.
  • Period: to

    Children throughout the 1600's

    Young boys in Europe attended Chantry schools, and later Tudor schools. Discipline was very savage in which teachers would hit the boys with a wood stick. Poor children did not attend school.
  • First Children's Picture Book is Created

    John Amos Comenius recognized that the most important part of childhood is learning and the picture book, "The World Illustrated" was published.
  • Children Learn through Hands-on Experience

    Jean-Jacques Roussueau finds that a Child's way of thinking is way different than an adult. They learn from Hands-on Experience. He believed that children should be able to develop naturally without society constraining them. Natural Development would result in a child reaching their full potential.
  • Children's Garden established in Germany (Kindergarten)

    This was started by a man named Friedrich Froebel. An early schooling experience for little kids.
  • Period: to

    The Orphan Train Movement: Beginning of Foster Care

    It was estimated that 30,000 kids lived on the streets in New York City at this time. This sparked the Orphan Train Movement where hundreds of thousands of kids from Eastern cities were sent to foster homes in the Midwest because of poverty, mistreatment, and abuse.
  • First Public School Kindergarten is Established in America.

    The first Kindergarten was established in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Children's House is open in Rome

    Maria Montessori opened this school for kids without learning disabilities. She wanted a place for kids without learning disabilities to learn instead of education being focused on children with disabilities.
  • All Children Are Required to Attend Elementary School

    Previously, children were only taught at home by tutors if families could afford them. Thomas Jefferson argued that the United States needed an education system, but was ignored. States began to adopt this rule in the mid 1800's and by 1918, all states passed this law,
  • Centuries of Childhood is published

    This book was written by Philippe Aries in 1963. Aries stated that the idea of childhood started to become prevalent in the 1800's, but was a fairly new concept that was finally studied and appreciated in the late 1900's and 20th century.
  • National Association for Family Daycare is Founded

    A nonprofit organization that supports the need for family childcare.
  • Physical Punishment in Schools Banned

    Many teachers would discipline children by physically touching them such as hitting them with a stick. In 1987, this was banned from almost all schools.
  • The No Child Left Behind Act is Passed

    Government now holds K-12 schools accountable for their students academic performance.
  • Preschool for All Initiative

    President Obama worked with Congress to expand access to preschool to all children in America.
  • Today: The Early Development of Children is Very Important for their Overall Health and Potential.

    This means that children of all abilities are able to grow up where their social, emotional and educational needs are met. Public schooling is free for all children.