Trust vs. Mistrust 0-18mo
Parents are MAJOR roles in child's life. Can I trust the world around me? -
Piaget says that at this stage children are discovering their senses by exploring the world around them. -
Autonomy vs. Shame 18mo-3yrs
Vulnerable to shame and doubt and parents play an important role in either strengthening their courage or weakening it. -
Piaget says in this phase children are starting to understand symbols and are learning basic organization of what they're learning. -
Initiative vs. Guilt 3-6yrs
Parents create and accepting environment, independence and assertiveness is important in this stage. -
Concrete Operational
Learning patterns and being able to replicate and understand volume, mass and weight. Conservation of weight/mass, -
Industry vs Inferiority 6yrs-12yrs
Children need to succeed and learn on their own. Learning competition and comparing themselves. -
Formal Operational
Able to think abstractly and theorize complex thoughts. In this phase they're hypothesizing and testing. -
Identity vs Role Confusion 12-18yrs
Children learn self discovery, conflict resolution, and significant relationships are with their peers. -
Early Adolescence
In this phase students are finding independence from parents and peer group influences. -
Middle Adolescence
This phase is where students start to make new groups of friends and try on new roles. -
Late Adolescence
Students are finalizing their roles, planning for the future, concerned with finances and are independent. -
Intimacy vs. Isolation 19-40yrs
Self discover leads to connection with others. Inability to discover yourself leads to isolation. -
Generatively vs. Stagnation 40-65
People are interested in leaving a legacy that is meaningful and leaves an impact. -
Integrity vs. Despair 65+
This stage is self reflective, either feeling self fulfilled and doesn't fear death or is lacking fulfillment and is scared of death.