child development

  • Period: to

    Cenception- Month

    Within 24 hours after fertilization, the egg begins dividing rapidly into many cells. It remains in the fallopian tube for about three days.Within three weeks, the blastocyte cells ultimately form a little ball, or an embryo, and the baby's first nerve cells have already formed. How it effects the mom: morning sickness, frequent urnination, feeling very tired. Tips: Start eating healthy, stay hydrated, speak to your doctor
  • Period: to

    Month 1

    As the fertilized egg grows,a water-tight sac forms around it, gradually filling with fluid. A primitive face will take form, the mouth, lower jaw, and throat are developing. Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin. The baby is only .1 to .2 mm.Effects On mother:Nausea, breast tenderness,and fatigue.Maybe get a child caring books and what to except when pregnant.Tips: Relax, ask your doctor about genetic tests and possible health risks.Size of a poppy/apple seed.
  • Period: to

    Month 2

    Baby's facial features continue to develop. Each ear begins as a little fold of skin at the side of the head. Tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming. Fingers, toes and eyes are also forming.Effect on mother : Food sensitivity, morning sickness, Headaches. Tips:Speak to your doctor about morning sickness,ro avoid morning sickness eat small meals ,slow down at work. Size of a raspberry
  • Period: to

    Month 3

    Your baby's arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes are fully formed. Your baby can open and close its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. Effect on Mother; Moodiness, More serve morning sickness, tiredness. Food cravings. Tips:Eat more carbs,sleep as much as possible,and put your feet up as much as possible. Size of a peach
  • Period: to

    Month 4

    Your baby's heartbeat may now be audible through an instrument called a doppler. The fingers and toes are developed . Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are formed. Teeth and bones become stronger. Effects on Mother; Baby movement less moodness, less nausea and ,Hormones stableize. Tips: Ask your doctors any questions you may have, sleep often, Stay hydrated. Size of a Onion.
  • Period: to

    Month 5

    You’re glowing and showing!! Your baby's shoulders, back, and temples are covered by a soft fine hair.Your baby is now about 10 ounces and six to nine inches long. Effects on mother:Most women gain between 5 to 15 pounds by this time,a appetite often increases ,take some baby readiness classes.Tips: Join child ready classes, stay healthy, take vinamins Size of a Pomegranate
  • Period: to

    Month 6

    Your baby's skin is reddish in color, wrinkled, and veins are visible through the baby's translucent skin. The eyelids begin to part and the eyes open, your baby is about 12 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds. Effects on mother:Your uterus is now the size of a basketball resting above your belly button, heartburn and leg cramps, may intensify at this time. Tips:Dont ride horses, be careful, take baby readiness classes ,do a light workout Size of lettuce.
  • Period: to

    Month 7

    Your baby will continue to mature and develop reserves of body fat.Your baby's hearing is fully developed, and your baby is 14 inches long and weighs from 2 to 4 pounds. Effect on mother:your feet or hands may start cramping,you may experience more movement of your baby. Many women experience Braxton Hicks contractions. Tips:Take birthing classes, ask your doctor what to expect, ask your doctor to find the gender (if wanted) Size of a cucumber.
  • Period: to

    Month 8

    You may notice that your baby is kicking more. Baby's brain is developing rapidly at this time, and your baby can see and hear.Your baby is about 12 inches and 5 pounds. Effects on mother:You’ll continue to gain about a pound a week you may feel discomfort as baby pushes on rib cage or organs.Enjoy setting up a nursery as the countdown begins! Tips: Prepare a bag for the hospital, don;t work,relax, do a light workout Size of butternut squash.
  • Period: to

    Month 9

    Your baby continues to grow and mature, the lungs are nearly fully developed. Your baby's reflexes are coordinated so he or she can blink, close the eyes, turn the head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light, and touch. Effect on mother: You may breathe a little easier as baby settles into the ,Sleep will become more difficult due to your size and any anxiety ,you may notice that your baby moves less due to tight space.Tips:Prepare yourself, prepare names, Size of a watermelon.
  • Period: to


    Your Baby is Born!!! Your should expect lightening,bloody show, ruptured membranes,and contractions.How does the mother feel: Excited to have a baby, anxious ,nervous, anxiety, and painful contractions