
child Developent -Tana Frye

  • 1st month

    1st month
    at the end of the first month, the Embroy is about 1/10 inhes long. the heasrt is no larger than a poppy seed,and it has begain beating
  • Period: to

    1 to nine months of pegnacey

  • 2nd month

    2nd month
    The Embroy is 1 inch long and has formed web like fingers.veins are visible.the heart has form right and left chambers
  • 3rd month

    3rd month
    now the Fetus is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long. fully formed. kick & sawllowing.all organs and muscles are formed and is begenning to function
  • 4th month

    4th month
    now the baby is coverd with a thick layer downy hair called Lanugo,their heartbeat can be this stage you will feel your baby's first kick
  • five months

    five months
    a protective coating over the baby's skin has been form and it's called Vernix Caseosa your baby will weight 1 pound and be nearly 8 inches long at the end of 5 months
  • six months

    six months
    eye lids and eyebrows are visable.the baby's lung is filled with Amniotic Fluid, and has begain to start u talk or sing the baby can hear it.
  • seven month

    seven month
    at the end of the month, the baby weights 3 ans 1/2 pounds. also is 12 inches long,body well formed, finger nails has formed on finger tips
  • eight months

    eight months
    gaining half a pound per week,fat is putting on,head turned down,weights 4 to 6 pounds.
  • nine months

    nine months
    6 to 9 pounds, baby is heavy to carry around. it is 19 to 22 inches long. not moving around as much becuase he/she is crowded
  • birth: infants

    birth: infants
    physcail skills: sleeping, eating, moving arms around.intellectual skills: watching other objects, & colors. Social skills:likes to be held, starting to cry.
  • babies: 6-12 months

    babies: 6-12 months
    physical skills: baby teeth are starting ro come in, sleeping still, and eating some soild food. Intellectual skills: useing senses, putting objects in his mouth
  • toddlers 12-24 months, about a year now or 2

    toddlers 12-24 months, about a year now or 2
    physical:Learning to walk, push and pull, loves stairs. Intellectual:touches everything, saying words, learning objects. Social: looking at kids their age, and playing
  • Toddlers 2 to 3 years

    Toddlers 2 to 3 years
    physical: likes to jump, waddle around, playing games. intellectual:learning to saying little words, babbling, Social: paralle play, temper tantrums, and separatuon anxiety
  • Preschoolers 3 to 4 years

    Preschoolers 3 to 4 years
    running, jumping, dressing themselves, art work. Intellectual; learning words fully and differnt subjects. more creativity. Social; imaginative play, cooperative play, and learning discipine
  • kindergarters 5 years

    kindergarters 5 years
    physical: running all over the place, good blance. Intellectual: understanding more, learning words by doing, Social: independent, getting along, sharing, useing sense of humor