

  • DOB

    Juan Villallobos. Born on Parral, Chihuahua and lived around South Chihuahua along with his family owning lots of land for ranching.
  • Education

    Once he finished high school, he joined the cordada de Cuauhtemoc.
  • Married

    Got married to Concha Villalobos who also owned land.
  • Children

    He had 7 children, who are now dead. But had a high education up to Ph. D in the medical field and engineering.
  • Cordada

    Jefe de cordada de Cuauhtemoc.
    He fought agaisnt the government in hope of helping out the people of Chihuahua who were going through hard times of corruption.
  • DOB

    My Grandfather born in San Francisco Del Oro, Chihuahua lived in one of the ranches/farms owned by the family.
  • Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua

    A fight began among the governement, although he had an army they lost.
  • Death

    Killed by the government for trying to end the corruption in the state. He also put the rest of the family in danger.
  • Attack

    In El Cerro De La Muerta a bomb hit my family's neighborhood which made them to move for protection.
  • Hiding evidence

    About days later, soldiers were kicking people out of the area to secure the zone and cover up the hle the bomb made with no information given whatsoever.
  • Married to Silva Villalobos

    Met in Parral, Chihuahua and got married in Chihuahua, Chihuahua
  • Moved to Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua

    After a year of their marriage they move to Juarez since he got a job in the agricultural fields of El paso as a farm worker.
  • Modesto Villalobos was born

    Modesto Villalobos was the second kid they had, he was born in Ciudad Juarez.
  • Citizenship

    In 1986 he was granted his residency in the time where many immigrant workers were being granted also residencies.
  • Up to 7 kids

    My youngest uncle was born, now forming a family of 9 people of total creating an economic problem for the family making them to the cerros where they created their own house.
  • Tennessee

    They struggle alot with money so my grandfather saw the opportunity to make money by going to Tennessee with my dad ,while he was still in high school, to work on the fields. They stayed there for two months
  • Finally got married

    Modesto married Norma Villalobos as a way to get away from home which caused him to stay in Juarez
  • Leaving the family

    My grandparents came to work in el Paso to raise money to be able to bring the whole family to el Paso, while they stayed in Juarez with my oldest uncle in charge with his girlfriend.
  • Pos me

    I was finally born and since my dad didn't have enough money we lived in the house his family had previously constructed in the cerro
  • Came to El paso

    Enough money was raised and all my uncles got their residency giving them the opportunity of living here.